How to complete a questionnaire?
General information
Some Graduate Schools use questionnaires for the monitoring and evaluation of the progress of a PhD project. Questionnaires are usually sent attached to an interview. Depending on the working practices of the Graduate School, questionnaires can in some cases be sent separately.
When an interview deadline is coming up you will receive a reminder email a month in advance. This email will inform you of any questionnaires accompanying the interview that that must be completed.
There are several different standard questionnaire types already in Hora Finita. Graduate schools may add/alter questionnaires depending on their needs and preferences.
Where can I find my questionnaires?
Option 1: Tasks section
Upcoming questionnaires will be listed under the task section of the dashboard. Click on the questionnaire to go directly to it's page.
Option 2: Via the interview
Navigate to the interview to which the questionnaire is linked.
Click on a specific questionnaire to go to it's page.
Option 3: Progress tab
Log in to Hora Finita, then navigate to the questionnaire overview by:
1. Click on the 'Progress' tab.
2. Click on the 'Questionnaire' tab.
3. Search for the specific questionnaire using the search fields.
Click on the questionnaire you wish to complete.
We recommend first searching for the 'PhD project' using the candidate's name.
Option 4: Dashboard
Log in to Hora Finita, then navigate to the dashboard of your PhD candidate. You will see the questionnaires that needs to be filled in underneath 'Questionnaires'.
Click on a specific questionnaire to go to the page.
How do I complete a questionnaire?
After you have filled in your questionnaire, scroll down to the bottom of the page and press 'Save' to save and finish the questionnaire.
Mandatory questions are indicated by a *.
If you have not filled in all mandatory fields you will be unable to save the questionnaire.