How to edit the PhD Project title and description?
As a chairgroup secretary, you can edit the title and description of the PhD projects from PhD students working at your chairgroup. This guide will help you with how to edit these.
How can I find a specific PhD project?
A specific project can be found under the page PhD projects (for active PhD projects).
On this pages, you can select a specific PhD project from the overview. You can also search for specific PhD projects (or the PhD candidates name, project number, department or other project attributes) via the designated search bars.
How do I alter the project title/description?
Once you have found the specific PhD Project you want to alter, you can select/click on the PhD project. This will sent you to a page displaying the general information on the PhD project and PhD student.
From here, you scroll down until you find the headings 'Working title PhD track' and 'Project description'. Here you can alter the title and/or the description
When you have altered the title and/or the description, you scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the 'save' button.
When you save the project, you will be shown a notification that the PhD project has been updated.
What happens after I have edited the project title/description?
If you have only edited the title/description and saved these changes, no further actions will be undertaken by Hora Finita. All people involved will be able to see these changes in Hora Finita, but will not be notified on these changes.