How to review a title page and cover
General information
A PhD candidate can hand in their title page and cover when the manuscript is assessed by the reading committee. The title page, the first four pages, the last page (colophon) and cover must be assessed by the PhD office.
How to review the title page and cover
After the PhD candidate submitted their title page and cover, the PhD office will receive an email which includes a link to their title page and cover:
After clicking on this link you will be taken to a page where you can approve or reject the title page and cover.
1. You can download the title page, thesis and cover by clicking on the 'Download' buttons.
2. After you reviewed the title page and cover, you can fill in the result.
3. You can upload your document with feedback by clicking on the 'Browse' button.
4. If you want to review the PhD project, you can click on the 'PhD project' button.
5. If you are ready to submit the approval / rejection, click on the 'Submit assessment' button.
After submitting the assessment, the PhD candidate will receive an email informing them about the result.