How to send the degree certificates to the printing office

How to send the degree certificates to the printing office

1. Click on the 'Ceremony' tab

2. Click on the 'Send PhD certificates' tab

Click on the week which will show you the PhD projects.

By clicking on the PhD project you can check the information.

Fill in the titles and subtitle of the thesis.

This information is very important to fill in because this will be sent to the printing office.

Check the information according to HR and the current faculty. Adjust if necessary underneath 'Different value' and 'Different faculty'.

If you need more information, you can click on the 'More details' button.

1. Tick the checked box

2. Save the information by clicking on the 'Save' button

Repeat these steps for the remaining weeks.

Select the weeks whose data are to be sent to the printing office and click on the button 'Prepare package'.

Make sure that all the PhD projects are checked before clicking on the 'Prepare package' button.