6. Evaluation

Evaluation is an ongoing and periodic process aimed at understanding how the course design has contributed to the learning of both students and case-owners. Through evaluation, insights can be gained regarding gaps in student learning and the expectations of case-owners, as well as shedding light on your own teaching and learning practices. During the course design phase, it is crucial to select appropriate evaluation methods to gather valuable feedback on the course. Here are some recommended methods:

Analyzing students grades

While grades alone do not provide a complete picture, analyzing students' grades can offer valuable clues about their learning progress. Specifically, examining grades in relation to specific learning outcomes can help identify areas of strength and weakness in the course design.

Course Evaluation

At the end of each course, it is advisable to have students fill out a Program and Course Evaluation form (PaCE course evaluation). This evaluation typically consists of a mix of closed and open-ended questions that students can provide feedback on. It may be beneficial to review the existing questions and consider adding additional ones as needed.

Student feedback

Gathering feedback directly from students can offer insights into areas where clarity may be needed regarding their learning expectations and the benefits they derive from assignments. However, it is important to remember that student feedback should be considered alongside other factors, as students' perceptions may not always align with the true value of certain course components.

Case owner feedback

In order to sustain society engaged learning, there needs to be reciprocity. Meaning a collaboration that is meaningful for both students and case-owners. This ensures that the learning process is mutually beneficial. Consider how you will gather feedback from case-owners to ensure their perspectives are captured.

It is recommended to document your lessons learned throughout the course implementation using a reflective practice model, such as Boud's model or Gibb's Model. Selecting a model and utilizing the related questions and prompts will guide your learning process. Answering these questions after each step of the Real-Life Learning (SBL) design tool will provide valuable input for course improvement and facilitate a reflective approach.

If the evaluation process reveals the need to make changes to your course description, learning outcomes, learning activities, and/or assessment methods, you have the opportunity to update these components once a year, typically around November, by following the education modification cycle. This cycle allows for the systematic review and adjustment of your course based on the insights gained from the evaluation process.

If you require assistance in incorporating and explicating society engaged learning in your course outline, you can send an email to [email protected] . By reaching out to our team, you can engage in a collaborative discussion to explore how society engaged learning can be effectively integrated into your course, aligning with your specific goals and requirements. Taking advantage of the education modification cycle and seeking guidance when needed will help ensure that your course remains up to date, relevant, and effectively incorporates real life learning principles.  


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