Education SupportHora FinitaHora Finita: SecretariesGraduation PhaseHow to cancel a scheduled doctoral defence ceremony date?

How to cancel a scheduled doctoral defence ceremony date?

Due to circumstances, a planned ceremony date may require rescheduling. For this, you can use the 'Delete from reservation service' functionality. Go to the tab 'PhD ceremony calendar'.

Who may cancel a ceremony date? The following roles are authorized to cancel a booking for a doctoral defence ceremony date:

  • (co)Supervisors
  • Secretary of the supervisor
  • Chair group secretary

Navigate to the booked date and click the confirmed slot.

Verify that the correct PhD candidate is assigned to the slot you want to cancel. Next, click 'Delete from reservations service'.

The status of slot changes to synchronize and after a few seconds the lock is available again.

The following involved parties will be informed of the cancellation:

  • PhD candidate
  • (co)Supervisors
  • Chair group secretary
  • Graduate school
  • Members of the Assessment Committee
  • Team Graduation Doctoral Service Centre