How to generate the document 'Proof of Registration'?

General information

Every year, Idealis checks whether people who have a room are actually registered in Hora Finita. A PhD candidate should download this form of proof of registration and submit it to Idealis. The Graduate School or the chair group secretary has to generate this document.

The document is generated once when enrolling as a PhD student. So, there may already be a document 'Proof of registration' in the candidates Hora Finita dashboard, but Idealis requires that the document is not older than two months. So a new proof of enrollment should be created if requested.

PLEASE NOTE:  You need to be logged in with the role Chair Group Secretary (Leerstoelgroepmedewerker) to generate this document, not  Secretary of Supervisor (Secretaresse van Promotor).

How to generate the proof of registration document?

Go to the right PhD project.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the 'Generate documents' button.

You can generate the documents by clicking on the right document.

After clicking on the document, a Word document will be downloaded.

The PhD can find it in their 'My PhD' tab, underneath their 'Documents' tab after you selected the right document.