What does the graduation process look like in Hora Finita?

The graduation phase in Hora Finita follows a sequence of steps after the PhD candidate submits the thesis, the authorship statement and the propositions and the first promotor subsequently approves them. After these documents have been approved by the supervisor, then an assessment committee must be proposed. The Doctoral Service Centre then processes these documents on behalf of the Dean of Research and forwards the thesis to the assessment committee.  Only after the approval of the thesis and the assessment committee by the DSC can a defence date be booked.

  1. The PhD supervisor judges if the manuscript and the authorship statement are ready for assessment by the Assessment Committee.
  2. On request the PhD supervisor proposes members for the Assessment Committee.
  3. The proposed composition goes through an approval process. The propositions go through a separate approval process.
  4. Once appointed, the Assessment Committee members assess the thesis and also consider if is it worthy to be considered for 'cum laude'.
  5. Should it be considered 'cum laude' worthy a separate process will be started in which two external referees (to be suggested by the first supervisor) will be asked to assess the manuscript. After this, a decision is made whether or not the cum laude procedure will be continued.
  6. Following approval of the manuscript and the propositions, the PhD candidate will be asked to submit the title pages and cover. Upon submitting their title pages and cover the Doctoral Service Centre will review them. The final thesis may only be printed if the DSC has explicitly approved the cover and title pages

Role of Graduate School

The Graduate School won't have an active role in the graduation phase. They will receive e-mails to inform them about the status of a PhD project. For example, whether the thesis and authorship have been approved.

To view the ceremony calendar, you can navigate to a candidate's project, and then the ceremony tab. On this page is a link to the 'View PhD ceremony calender'-button.