How to submit a non-payroll promovendi agreement in Hora Finita?
Introduction - Mandatory requirement for non-payroll PhD candidates
- This is a requirement for trajectories starting from 01-01-2023 in provisional admission;
- It is a requirement for the supervisor to upload the agreement;
- The Doctoral Service Centre will review the document and give an approval/disapproval. This is because it is part of the admission;
- The deadline for fulfilling this obligation is 26 weeks (within 6 months) after the start of the PhD trajectory (this is in line with the deadlines for the Research Proposal and Data Management Plan);
- The consequence of not adding the agreement: the Go/NoGo form cannot be submitted!
The template contracts are available via the legal department.
Submit agreement
Once the PhD candidate's registration is completed and converted into a PhD Project, the requirement 'Submit Non-payroll agreement' is created. You will receive the following email:

Go to your dashboard in Hora Finita. Here you can find a new task.
Click on the task and it will take you directly to the requirement. Here you can upload the agreement as an attachment. Please 'Submit' and a request will be send to the PhD office.
The following confirmation will follow:
Requirement rejected
If the agreement is rejected you will receive the following email.

Return to your dashboard and open the task again. Here you can delete the attachment and upload a new version of the agreement.
Then please click 'Submit' again. The Doctoral Service Centre will receive a new request.