How to use my Dashboard?

As a supervisor or co-supervisor Hora Finita provides you an overview of all PhD candidates under your supervision. On the supervisor Dashboard some tools are available to help you monitor the PhD projects and to alert you when actions are needed.

Searching for a PhD candidate

1. Search for the PhD candidate via the list.


2. Select the PhD candidate from the image tiles.

Task overview

Notifications from Hora Finita will be sent by email. Some of these contain a request for action which results in a task on your Dashboard.

  • The tasks are displayed in chronological order.
  • Click 'Show all tasks' for more.
  • Click the task to fulfill the requested action.
  • Click 'review multiple portfolio items'.
    When a PhD candidate finalized a training activity they will register this in Hora Finita and request the first supervisor for approval.


All notifications send from Hora Finita via email are listed on your dashboard as well. Very useful in case you can't find the received notification in your email box.


Scroll down on your Dashboard screen and on the left side you will find an overview of upcoming interviews.

PhD candidates under registration

The Dashboard shows all 'PhD projects' with the status 'started'. PhD candidates who are in the preceding phase of Registration are listed under the tab 'PhD project Registrations' in the menu.