Education SupportHora FinitaFAQFrequently Asked QuestionsWhen can I book a doctoral defence ceremony date?

When can I book a doctoral defence ceremony date?

The new method for booking a doctoral defence ceremony date will be effective from 20 July 2024

  • Booking a ceremony date will be possible after the approval of both the draft thesis manuscript and the composition of the thesis committee. This means that in order to secure a slot, both criteria must be met. A confirmation and invitation to book a ceremony date will be sent by e-mail.
  • There will be 15-week period between the time you are able to book a doctoral defence ceremony date and the first available slot. This means that only promotion slots meeting this requirement will be available in the Hora Finita ceremony calendar. The period of 15-weeks is required to conduct the evaluation of the draft thesis by opponents and additional evaluations in case of a cum laude or a rebuttel. Please note that this timeline is specific to each PhD trajectory.
  • Available promotion slots will gradually be filled, as the date can only be booked after approval of the manuscript and thesis committee.
  • The persons who can book a promotion slot remain unchanged, so PhD candidates will not have the ability to book slots themselves. The following roles are authorized to make a reservation for a doctoral defence ceremony date:
    • (co)Supervisors
    • Secretary of the supervisor
    • Chair group secretary