Education SupportHora FinitaFAQFrequently Asked QuestionsHow to fullfil the tasks of the chairholder?

How to fullfil the tasks of the chairholder?

The chairholder fulfills one specific task in Hora Finita: (dis)approve the result of the Go / No Go interview. 

You will receive a email notification from Hora Finita with the subject:

the indication Go / No Go RA concerns a PhD candidate appointed through HR.

In case your role is first supervisor as well as chairholder, you'll receive this email notification twice:

1) first for the approval of the first supervisor

2) after this again for the approval of the chairholder

When the approval form is opened in Hora Finita, you have 2 options:

  • In the 'Questionnaires' section, click on the record in the table to view the evaluation form.
  • At the 'Your assessment' section, click on the dropdown to fill in the assessment ('Approved'/'Withhold approval'). Add any additional arguments and click Submit.