How to distribute PhD theses?

The chair group is responsible for the distribution of their own PhD theses (including propositions). This is taking place outside Hora Finita.

The theses (hardcopy) have to be sent to:

Who When Number of copies
Chairperson at the defence Before the meeting with the PhD candidate 1
Thesis committee (4 opponents and supervisors) Well before the defence Number of opponents + supervisors
Doctoral Service Centre Before or at the defence 1
Library Can be done after the defence 1

Online defence

Please note that for an online defence you need to hand in a hardcopy of the thesis at the Doctoral Service Centre (DSC).

  • The graduation team is present each Tuesday morning from 10:00 to 11:00h in the Omnia building;
  • Alternatively, you can send the thesis to DSC (Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 PB Wageningen; internal post number 17).