Education SupportHora FinitaFAQFrequently Asked QuestionsHow long does it take to get the ‘proposal change supervisor’ approved?

How long does it take to get the ‘proposal change supervisor’ approved?

The adjustment of the supervision team is a procedure in Hora Finita that starts with the chairgroup secretary sending in a ‘proposal change of supervisors’ see manual. 

The proposal needs to be approved by:
- the first supervisor
- then by the PhD candidate
- and finally by the Doctoral Service Centre.

The chairgroup secretary can check the status of this proposal in the 'approval box':

  • Go to the intended PhD project.
  • On the tab (Co)Supervisors, click on the button 'Review proposal of change of supervisors'.

On the next screen you will see the proposal that's under review.
At the bottom of this screen is the 'approval box' where the date of assessment is registered:

If it has been a long time since the last person's assessment was registered it's recommended to contact the person next in line.