I cannot find a PhD candidate in my Hora Finita overview
If you, as a secretary, cannot find a certain PhD candidate in your Hora Finita overview there may be several possible solutions:
1) Deselect project status
The default overview of PhD projects is filtered on the project status 'active'. It might be that the PhD you are looking for has another status; for example 'graduated'.
In order to get all PhD projects regardless of their status listed in the overview click the X to deactivate the filter 'active'.

2) Select the required secretary role
Using the 'chairgroup secretary role' you have an overview of all PhD projects that are registered within your chairgroup.
Using the 'secretary of supervisor role' you have an overview of all PhD projects of the supervisor(s) you are linked to with the 'secretary of supervisor role' regardless of which chairgroup the (co-)supervisor is assigned to.
Depending on which PhD project you are looking for, make sure you are you are logged in with the required role. You can switch to this role using the 'Switch role' option.
When you have trouble finding the PhD project you are looking for, just 'Switch role' to see if that's the solution.
3) Secretary link to (co-)supervisor
In order to get linked to a certain supervisor send a request accompanied by an approval of the intended supervisor to [email protected].
In addition to point 2, it is important that your 'secretary of supervisor role' is linked to the intended supervisor in cases when the supervision team consists of supervisors from multiple chairgroups.
When the above suggestions don't solve the problem of not finding a certain PhD project in your overview please contact [email protected] for a solution.