How to register for MSc courses?

A PhD candidate can register for MSc courses annually. For this, a Course registration form must be submitted to SSC (Student Service Centre). The PhD candidate can generate this document themselves in Hora Finita. Previously, this could only be done through the chair group secretary.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The PhD candidate generates the Course registration form document. The document is automatically made available in the PhD candidates environment for downloading;
  2. The PhD candidate downloads and completes the document (Any signatures are done outside Hora Finita);
  3. The PhD candidate will submit by e-mail the completed document to the Graduate School, which will upload it to Hora Finita after verifying the document.
  4. After uploading, the Graduate School will email the form as an attachment to the Student Service Centre.

For your information:
How to register for MSc courses? as a PhD candidate.