Education SupportVariousShowcases of Learning ActivitiesShowcasesShowcases | About Showcases of learning activities

Showcases | About Showcases of learning activities

A showcase is an example of a learning activity that one of your fellow teachers created and experienced and likes to share with you.

The goal of sharing these showcases is to inspire you and learn from and with each other.

The database of showcases will be regularly updated with new articles. To see the list of currently available ones please navigate to Showcases | An overview.

Searching through Showcases of learning activities

There are multiple metadata on which a learning activity (the showcase) can be searched in this database. These metadata are divided into 6 main categories:

1. Level & Size
  • BSc
  • MSc
  • PhD
  • Professional education
  • Other, namely: ...
  • Small (Up to 50)
  • Medium (50 - 150)
  • Large (>150)
2. Teaching scenario
  • Lecture (large group)
  • Interactive Lecture (smaller group)
  • Tutorials
  • Group Work
  • Lab Practical
  • Computer Practical
  • Fieldwork / Excursion
  • Thesis
  • Internships
  • Examination
  • Self-study
3. Learning and Assessment activities
  • Reflections
  • Peer Feedback
  • Peer Review
  • Peer Assessment
  • Case Study (Real-life cases)
  • Simulation
  • Game
  • (Interactive) Video
  • Knowledge Clip
  • Teacher Feedback
  • Self-Assessment
  • Discussion
  • (Learning) Content Creation
  • Content Sharing
  • Blog
  • Brainstorming
  • Question & Answer
  • Quizzes
  • Surveys & Polling
  • Report / Essay
  • Presentation
  • Poster Presentation
  • Organisation: Seminar / Webinar / Workshop
  • Oral Examination
  • Written Examination
  • Observation
  • Other, namely: ...
4. Location
  • Online
  • Offline: On Campus
  • Offline: At Home
  • Offline: On Location
  • Other, namely: ...
5. Bloom's Taxonomy (Learning Outcome levels & domains)
  • Remember / Recall
  • Understand
  • Apply (Use)
  • Analyse
  • Synthesize
  • Evaluate
  • Cognitive (Knowledge)
  • Affective (Attitude)
  • Psychomotor (Skills)
6. Learning Tools used
  • MS Teams
  • OneDrive
  • H5P
  • TrainTool
  • Labbuddy
  • Padlet
  • FeedbackFruits (specifically: Assignment review; Interactive Document; Interactive Presentation; Interactive Video; Peer review)
  • Brightspace (in general)
  • Brightspace Group Tool
  • Brightspace Discussion Forum
  • Brightspace Quiz
  • Brightspace Self-assessment
  • Brightspace Assignment
  • Brightspace Rubric
  • Brightspace Survey
  • Drawing Tablet (such as Wacom tablet)
  • Electron microscope

Interested in sharing your experience?

To be able to create a showcase we will need to interview you and afterwards, we will ask you to review the showcase that we will create based on the interview.

The time required for the interview is approximately 1,5 hours.

To share your own showcase or you know of an interesting showcase that is worth sharing please send an e-mail to [email protected]


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