Education SupportVariousEducational VideoRecordings (on campus)How to schedule Weblectures and livestreams with the WurScheduler (approve and decline)

How to schedule Weblectures and livestreams with the WurScheduler (approve and decline)

When the course-related presentations, lectures, or workshops are scheduled in rooms with recording facilities, the course coordinator(s) will receive, about three weeks before the period starts, an email with relevant information about the recording request from team Weblectures. Next to that we ask the course coordinator, in this e-mail, to Accept or Decline the recordings on behalf of the lecturer(s).

If you are not scheduled in a room with recording facilities and you want recordings of your lectures, please contact Roostering to request for a room with recording equipment.

How to Decline the recording request as a course coordinator

As a course coordinator you have the right to decline the recording request. To do so,

  1. Click on the provided link in the e-mail
  2. Click on Decline

You have declined the recording request.

How to Approve the recording request as a course coordinator

You, as a course coordinator, decide what will be recorded in consultation with the involved lecturers. We ask you to fill in the names of the lecturers for the lectures that you want recorded to be able to send a confirmation e-mail to the lecturers.

  1. Click on the provided link in the e-mail
  2. Click on Select presenter to add...

A drop down appears of the lecturer(s) based on the course guide (Osiris).

Please send an e-mail to [email protected] if this list is not correct

  1. (Optional) Select the relevant presenter(s) for the slot
  2. (Optional) Press the icon with the double arrow to copy the name of the lecturer(s) to other similar rows
  3. (Optional) In the blank space under Guest presenter(s) you can write any relevant name

It is required to either fill in the presenter(s) or guest presenter(s) to schedule a recording. Both fields cannot be left empty

Guest presenter(s) will not receive the confirmation e-mail

Please keep the usual format 'initials' ('first name') 'last name' (e.g. H (Hans) van Puffelen)

By filling in the involved presenter(s) in a specific time slot the red cross mark under Rec will change into a green switch. By default, Live will also be green meaning that the recording will be streamed live from the course’s channel in YuJa.

By erasing the involved lecturers for a specific time slot, the check mark under Record will change back into a cross mark and the planned recording will be deleted from the recording schedule.

If Live is checked (in the WurScheduler) the recording will be automatically streamed live from the channel in YuJa. For information on the YuJa Livestream please visit: How to add your course's YuJa channel in the Brightspace content. !Livestream is only possible in combination with a recording. 

  1. (Optional) Click on the green switch beneath Live to disable livestreaming for that specific slot. The green switch will change into a red switch.
  2. (Option) Click on Set live streaming off to disable live streaming for all the scheduled recordings of this course
  3. (Optional) Click on Save (in progress) and finish the definitive schedule later if you are still contemplating about the recording schedule
  4. Click on Approve and submit

After submission, the presenter(s) scheduled for the recording will receive an email with the recording schedule and 'tips and tricks' about Weblectures.

How to deal with schedule changes as a course coordinator

During the academic year, it might happen that the schedule of your course changes. It can happen that you have requested other rooms, or that you have canceled one of the activities. If Roostering changes the schedule you will see the changes in TimeEdit immediately. In the recording schedule within the WurScheduler the changes will become visible within a working day after an automatic sync.

Below a screenshot of a recording schedule within the WurScheduler with schedule changes.

  1. The ones shaded in red were previously present, and now deleted in TimeEdit
  2. The ones shaded in yellow are newly added to the recording schedule
  3. The ones that are not shaded have not changed

When there is a schedule change within the WurScheduler team Weblectures will reschedule the recordings if possible. If team Weblectures is not able to reschedule (e.g. if it is not clear what lectures need to be recorded) they will send the course coordinator(s) of the course an e-mail about the schedule changes, with a link to the recording schedule and there the course coordinator(s) can adjust the recording schedule properly.

  1. Click Ignore Modification if no new recordings need to be scheduled
  2. Follow the steps of "How to Approve the recording request as a course coordinator" if new recordings need to be scheduled

Now you know how to Accept or Decline the recording request for Weblectures, and how to deal with schedule changes.


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