About recordings (on campus)

Everyone who is going to lecture or present needs to give their permission to be recorded. Course Coordinators do that on behalf of the lecturer(s) by approving and submitting a recording request. If students are going to be recorded (e.g., student presentations) they need to give permissions during the recording. So, the lecturer who is present needs to ask the students at the start of the recording if there are any objections for a recording.

It can happen that students are recorded when they walk in front of the camera during the recording. In front of every classroom with recording equipment, there is a plate that says: “lectures given in this room may be recorded for educational purposes. Events in this room may be recorded for publicity purposes.” If you do not want to be recorded, make sure that you are not sitting within the range of the camera.

About Weblectures (and livestreams)

A Weblecture is a recording of a course-related presentation, lecture, or workshop (on campus). The basic principle behind Weblectures at Wageningen University & Research is that they should serve as a reference and are only intended for students in the relevant course.

When the course-related presentations, lectures, or workshops are scheduled in rooms with recording facilities, the course coordinator(s) will receive, about three weeks before the period starts, an email with relevant information about the recording request from team Weblectures. Next to that we ask the course coordinator, in this e-mail, to Accept or Decline the recordings on behalf of the lecturer(s). In the article How to schedule Weblectures and livestreams with the WurScheduler (approve and decline) you can read more about that.

Weblectures will be available on our server for three years, and archived for another three years. To make an archived video accessible, please contact [email protected]. After the video is archived for three years it will be deleted permanently.

The Weblecture can be viewed live (livestream) with a couple of seconds delay and no options to interact. Next to that it can be reused in your course afterwards (e.g. in Brightspace).  

Since the livestream of Weblectures does not allow interaction (e.g. verbal communication) and has a delay, we recommend to make use of the hybrid lecture option with MS Teams. If you need support on hybrid teaching, consult the page How to organise and set-up Hybrid Teaching.

Team Weblectures will virtually cut the recording, so that the breaks and irrelevant parts are not viewable. The Weblecture will be made available within one working day in the YuJa course channel.

Do you need the recording to be available earlier than this time frame, please contact us at [email protected].

Livestreams are made available automatically in a specific tab of your YuJa course channel. Livestreams will only appear in this tab when the streaming session starts. It means that before and after a streaming session the 'Active Live Stream' tab will not be visible.

The following picture presents how livestream appears during the streaming process.


Show active livestream

To give your students access to the livestream (and the Weblectures afterwards) you can add your YuJa course channel in Brightspace.

In addition, you can also embed individual or multiple videos in the content in Brightspace afterwards. Read here how to add a single or multiple YuJa video(s) to Brightspace.

About recordings (and livestreams) of promotion, PhD Defence, graduation ceremony, inauguration, farewell speech, or other public events

We also provide recordings (and livestreams) of promotions, graduation ceremonies, inaugurations, and farewell speeches. Do you want to watch the livestream of one of these events? Read here how to watch these livestreams. Afterwards you will find the recording in the Public Library on https://wur.yuja.com/. Read here how to request a copy of your promotion, graduation ceremony, inauguration, or farewell speech.

About recordings on request

Next to course related recordings we also provide recordings on request, for example online training, conferences, press-conferences, and other events or meetings. In the article About scheduling a recording of non-course related events (on campus) you will learn to how to book a room and request a recording.


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