Education SupportVariousBrightspace & Related Tools ManualsEXTERNAL LEARNING TOOLS: YuJaYuJa | How to add your course's YuJa channel in the Brightspace content

YuJa | How to add your course's YuJa channel in the Brightspace content

Adding your course's YuJa channel in your Brightspace content allows students to have direct access to the YuJa channel through Brightspace. In this channel, you and your students can access all the videos of the course in one overview.

This article shows how to:

In the picture below, you have a preview of how your YuJa channel looks like within Brightspace.

YuJa Channel

Video instruction

To add the YuJa channel into your course, in the green navigation bar:

  1. Click on Content
  2. Select the (sub)module where the video channel needs to be added 
  3. Click on Existing Activities
  4. Choose External Learning Tools 
External learning tools

A pop-up window appears. Scroll all the way down and:

  1. Select YuJa All Videos  
Add Activity

A new item named YuJa All Videos is placed at the bottom of the (sub)module.

In this course's channel, the weblectures and livestreams of the weblectures will automatically be made available to your students. In the article About Weblectures (and livestreams)  you can learn more about that.

Adjusting the title of the YuJa topic

You can now adjust the title of this new YuJa topic.

  1. Click on the downward arrow close to the title
  2. Click on Edit Properties in Place
Edit properties in place

You are now in the Edit Properties in Place mode.

  1. Click on the title
  2. Write your new title. For example, 'YuJa Course channel'
Edit properties in place 2

To exit the Edit properties in Place mode reload the Brightspace page.

You only need to add the channel once per Brightspace course.


Now you know how to add the YuJa channel of your course to Brightspace!


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