Quizzes | Quiz question types

 Quizzes can be used to help evaluate users' learning progress and learning outcomes. The Quizzes tools enables the creation of many types of quiz question types.  

In this article you will find information about:

Different question types

In Brightspace, the following type of quiz questions can be created using the Quizzes tool. The following table gives an overview of the types of questions available, the abbreviation Brightspace uses, and the settings that can be adjusted for each type of question.

Quiz question type System Abbreviation Settings options to add/select/remove per questions
True of False T/F
  • Short description
  • Enumeration
  • Feedback (per answer, per question)
  • Hint
Multiple Choice M/C
  • Short description
  • Enumeration
  • Custom weights per answer
  • Feedback (per answer, per question)
  • Hint
Multi-Select M-S
  • Enumeration
  • Grading of a question
  • Randomise options
  • Feedback (per answer, per question)
  • Hint
Written Response WR
  • Short description 
  • Feedback (per answer, per question)
  • Hint
  • Initial text
  • Answer key
  • Custom response box size
  • Enable HTML Editor for students answer
  • Enable attachments (images, files, record audio/video) as students answers
Short Answer SA
  • Short description
  • Answer type: Text, Case-Sensitive Text, Regular Expression
  • Feedback (per question)
  • Hint
Multi-Short Answer MSA
  • Insert image and alternative text
  • Custom weights per answer
  • Answer type: Text, Case-Sensitive Text, Regular Expression
  • Feedback (per question)
  • Hint
Fill in the Blanks FIB
  • Insert image and alternative text
  • Feedback (per answer, per question)
  • Hint
  • Grading of a question
  • Custom response box size
  • Custom weight per answer
  • Answer type: Text, Case-Sensitive Text, Regular Expression
Matching  MAT
  • Insert image and alternative text
  • Grading of a question
  • Number of choices and matches
  • Feedback (per question)
  • Hint
Ordering ORD
  • Insert image and alternative text
  • Grading of a question
  • Feedback (per answer, per question)
  • Hint
  • Number of items
Arithmetic (2+2)
  • Insert image and alternative text
  • Enable attachments (images, files, record audio/video) as students answers
  • Custom weight per answer
  • Answer previsions and tolerance
  • Answer type: Text, Case-Sensitive Text, Regular Expression
  • Feedback (per answer, per question)
  • Hint
Significant Figures (x10)
  • Insert image and alternative text
  • Enable attachments (images, files, record audio/video) as students answer
  • Custom weight per answer
  • Answer previsions and tolerance
  • Answer type: Text, Case-Sensitive Text, Regular Expression
  • Feedback (per answer, per question)
  • Hint

To learn more about how to use each question types, please visit: About Question Types, Section and Question Pool

For best practices on the question types and their use click here.


Now you know about quiz question types in Brightspace!

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