Education SupportVariousBrightspace & Related Tools ManualsEXTERNAL LEARNING TOOLS: FeedbackFruitsFeedbackFruits | How to edit content in a FeedbackFruits Learning Activity

FeedbackFruits | How to edit content in a FeedbackFruits Learning Activity

FeedbackFruits is one of the external learning tools that is already integrated into Brightspace. FeedbackFruits is a suite of assignment tools that provide students with opportunities to give and receive feedback related to a range of assessment activities.

This article will show you how to:

Editing content in FeedbackFruits Learning Activity

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar,

1. Click on Content 
2. Click on the desired (sub)module
3. Click on the FeedbackFruits Learning activity

Click on the title of the Feedbackfruits learning tool

This action will open the FeedbackFruits Learning activity (in this case Draft report)

4. Click on the edit button in the upper right corner

This will open the Feedbackfruits assignment created, click on the three dots in the upper right corner

After this action, you can edit your FeedbackFruits Learning activity.

You can now edit your FeedbackFruits Learning Tools Assignment

Now you know how to edit content in FeedbackFruits Learning Tools!


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