HTML Editor | How to adjust Settings in the Editor

When adding a file, there can be the option to adjust settings. This involves adding a link name, alternative text and determining the display size of the video or image. These options are available when adding a file from your computer (My Computer), from Brightspace (Course Offering Files) and sometimes when inserting a link (Insert Link).

In this article, you will learn:

Adjusting settings

  1. Navigate to the HTML Editor where you want to add a file
  2. Click on Insert Stuff
In the Editor, click on Insert Stuff
  1. Click on i.e  Course Offering Files 
Click on Course Offering Files
  1. Click on the textbox next to the file name you want to adjust the settings
  2. Click on Next
Click on the File | Click Next

Course Offering Files Properties

More options will appear,

Link Text|Alernate Text|Size|Width and Height

Alternative text can only be added when there is an image. Adding an alternative text is also important for the visually impaired.

  1. Link Text -  this is the text that will link to the external source
  2. Alternate Text - this is the text that will appear if your image cannot be displayed, for example, because the internet connection is too slow
  3. (Optional) This is decorative - if the image contains no information
  4.  Lock aspect ratio - to keep the size settings of the video/image 
  5.  Width and Height - to specify the width and height of the video/image
Auto Start|Refresh Preview|Insert

The Auto Start option will only be available if a video has been uploaded from your computer.

  1. Auto Start - check this option to play the video automatically 
  2. Refresh Preview - to view the changes
  3. Insert - to Insert the adjusted settings


Now you know how to adjust Settings (i.e Course Offering Files) in the Editor in Brightspace!


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