Education SupportVariousBrightspace & Related Tools ManualsCONTENT: Course Design and Set-UpCourse Design and Set-Up | How to use the Content to structure your course in Brightspace

Course Design and Set-Up | How to use the Content to structure your course in Brightspace

Brightspace enables you to structure your course through the Content tool via modules and submodules where you can add content items such as Weblectures, lecture slides, DOI links for scientific papers, and more. But before you add content you will have to create modules to structure your content.

This article will show:

How to access the Brightspace Content page

First, navigate to your Brightspace course page. Then, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Content 
Click Content in your course

The course Content page will open.

Course Content page

For details on the Content tool please visit: How to use the Content tool

Table of Contents structure with modules

The Table of Contents panel lists all modules available in your course. Click on a listed [module name] for it to show, and manage its details, content items, and submodules.

You can also stay on the Table of Contents page to view all modules and topics, however, you will not see details such as Content item description or submodules placed in submodules of a module.

The modules can be structured as weeks or themes (For example, Week 1, Week 2, Week 3  or Theme 1, Theme 2, Theme 3). This way, students see an overview of the course content, and also how the course is structured.

For information on how to design your Content please visit: Examples of a course set-up in Brightspace

Course Content page

The number next to the Table of Contents indicates the total amount of topics (separate content items) and the number next to each course module indicates the number of topics (content items) in that module.

table of contents - number of activities

For each module, students see the subordinate sub-modules or course items (such as PDF files or web links).

  • Within a module it is possible to create one or more sub-module(s).  This way, the structure is more organized by grouping related topics.
  • In the Table of Contents, these sub-modules are located under the main module (see picture below, where the module Course Information contains a sub-module Additional info).

In each sub-module, place the associated course materials (e.g. required reading or a link to an activity such as a quiz or assignment).

course information module view with a submodule

With a submodule, you can easily organize information within a module. For the ease of access to information and content of the course, we advise you to not put a submodule within a submodule.

You can add new items to existing modules by dragging and dropping files from your computer into (sub)modules, and you can also rearrange course materials by dragging and dropping topics between modules.


Now you know how to structure your course through Content!


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