Education SupportVariousBrightspace & Related Tools ManualsCONTENT: StatisticsStatistics | How to view course Content statistics of SCORM objects

Statistics | How to view course Content statistics of SCORM objects

If your course is based on SCORM, or uses SCOs as part of the course content, you have access to additional activity reports for each SCORM object and user. The reports track the activity on a topic and individuals progress with meeting defined objectives, and in defined interactions with the course content.

Note that you can export SCORM statistics; however, unlike non-SCORM courses, you cannot reset the statistics.

This article shows how to:

To find out how to access Content statistics please visit: How to access course Content statistics

Course Content statistics of new SCORM objects

If you are using the new SCORM objects in your course follow the instructions below to view the statistics.

In the Statistics page click on SCORM Reports in blue letters to open the overview:

Course Content statistics - SCORM reports

The overview will be organised by default by Content (tab) but can be viewed by Users (tab):

  1. Content tab - Here, a table presents the available SCORM item included in the course Content organised by the columns Title, Type, Attempts, Completed, Passed, Average Score, Average Time Spent in seconds.
  2. Users tab - Here, a table presents the students that accessed any SCORM item(s) in your course and is organised by the columns Name, and Attempts. This overview provides a look at the number of overall accesses to all the SCORM items in the course combined.
SCORM Statistics - view by Content
  1. In the course Content statistics page click SCORM Reports
  2. Click tab Content to see the general overview of the different SCORM items in your course content
  3. Click on the [item name] in the column Title to access more details about the specific SCORM content item
Course Content statistics - SCORM reports

In the new page, you will see the statistics for the specific SCORM item presented in a table and organised by columns Name, Progress, Status, Score, Attempts, Time Spent (seconds), and Last Accessed.

You can select either student in the list or Search for a student using the search field above the table.

4. Click on the [student name] in blue letters

Course Content statistics - SCORM Report - Content tab - specific item overview

This will provide you with information on the dates and time the student accessed the particular SCORM object, with Progress, Status, and Score for each attempt.

Course Content statistics - SCORM Report - Content tab - specific item overview - by student

To return to the overview of the SCORM item statistics click on its name in blue letters at the top of the table.

To return to the general overview with all the SCORM items in your course, click on the tab Content.

SCORM Statistics - view by Users
  1. In the course Content statistics page click SCORM Reports
  2. Click tab Users to see the general overview of the different SCORM items in your course content by students
  3. Click on the [student name] in the column Name to access more details about the specific SCORM content item
Course Content statistics - SCORM reports - tab Users

In this page you will see overview by a student and his attempts on the different SCORM items in your course. The information in the table is organised by Title, Progress, Score, Attempts, Time Spent (seconds), and Last Accessed for each SCORM item visited.

4. Click on the [SCORM item name] to access information on the specific item and the progress of the student on it.

Course Content statistics - SCORM reports - tab Users - click the SCORM item name

In this overview you will see the details on the specific students progress on the specific SCORM item in your course:

Course Content statistics - SCORM reports - tab Users - detail of the user on the specific item

To return on the overview of the SCORM item statistics click on [student's name] in blue letters at the top of the table.

To return to the general overview with all students that attempted the SCORM items in your course, click on the tab Users.

Course Content statistics of legacy SCORM objects

If you are using the legacy SCORM solution, the following information and steps apply:

  1. In the course Content statistics page click Legacy SCORM Reports (this option appears only if you have this type of SCORM included)
  2. Click tab SCORM Objects to see the general overview of the different SCORM items in your course content
Course content statistics - click Legacy SCORM Reports tab SCORM Objects to see the overview

The overview is presented in a table organised by the columns SCORM Object (the name of the SCORM item in your course), Attempted, Completed, Passed, Passing Score, Average Score, Average Time Spent, and Actions.

3. In the column actions you can click on any of the three icons to get more information about the specific SCORM item:

Course content statistics - SCORM item tab SCORM objects - column Actions
1. icon Summary

To view information on user progress and whether their progress is complete or incomplete, their status, their score, number of attempts, time spent, average time spent, and when they last accessed it.

2. icon Objective

To view information on user progress with the course objectives including their score, status, progress, and progress measure.

This option is available only if Learning objectives are set and applied in your course in Brightspace.

3. icon Interaction

To view information on user attempts at the interactions in an objective including question type, correct response, learner response, result, weighting, and time spent..


4. To return to the overall overview in the tab SCORM Objects click on Go Back in blue letters at the top of the table.

Course conten statistics - SCORM report - click Go Back to return to the general overview by SCORM Objects

You can also view the statistics by Users. The process is similar as in the section SCORM Statistics - view by Users of this article.


You now know how to access and view the statistics for SCORM objects in your course content in Brightspace!


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