H5P | How to share an H5P folder

As you may have already discovered in the article How to set up H5P, H5P offers a big range of tools and possibilities. Here you will learn more of the options that H5P includes.

This article will show you how to share an H5P folder.

If you would like to interact, and share experiences and content with other colleagues that also use H5P, join the team H5P@WUR in MS Teams by clicking here.

In H5P you have the possibility to link an H5P item to a grade item in the Brightspace gradebook. While creating new content in H5P you have the possibility to fill in Title (metadata). This title in H5P will also be used in Brightspace as grade item title. Follow the next steps to do so:

  1. Navigate to Content in the navbar
navigate to content in the navbar
  1. Navigate to the module where your H5P is located
  2. Click on the black arrow next to the H5P content item. A drop-down menu will open
  3. Click Edit HTML

This will take you to the H5P editing page

view of the content module where H5P content is located
  1. Click on the Insert Stuff button
click the insert stuff button int the text box

In the Insert Stuff pop-up window,

  1. Scroll down and select H5P

This will lead you to the H5P homepage.

scroll down and click H5P

7. Click on your H5P folder

lick on your H5P folder
  1. Select the items you would like to share by clicking the select box at the left side of the item
  2. Click the three dots button on the top right of the window. A small drop-down menu will open
  3. Click Sharing
navigate to your folder of H5P, click on the selectboxes next to the item name(s) you want to share, click the htree dots on the top right of the window, click sharing
  1. Click the tab Collaborators
  2. Type in the search box the email of the person you would like to share your content with and press Enter
  3. Click Update

This will save the sharing setting to add the new users.

Keep in mind that only colleagues who already have an H5P license can be added as collaborators.

click on the tab coolaborators, type user emails in the search box, click update

You know now how to share an H5P folder!