Quizzes | How to view Quizzes Statistics

Brightspace can generate detailed statistics from the Quizzes that students have completed, which enables targeted feedback.  It is possible to view the statistics of Quizzes per student and per question, as well as question details.

Open Quizzes Statistics

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar:

1.  Click on Assessment, a drop-down menu will appear

2.  Click on Quizzes

Assesment -  Quizzes

This will take you to Quizzes homepage, where you will be able to see a list of all the Quizzes in your course.

3. Click on the downward arrow next to the Quizzes name, a drop-down menu will open

4. Click on Statistics


Note the three tabs at the top: User Stats, Question Stats, Question Details.

View and export User Statistics

5. Click on the User Stats tab to view how each student performed on the overall of the Quiz.

6. Click on the right upper side buttons to Export to CVS or Export to Excel

Scroll down to see the information.

Export User Statistics

View and export Questions Statistics

7. Click on Question Stats to see statistics on each question

8. Click on the right upper side buttons to Export to CVS or Export to Excel

Scroll down to see the information.

Question Stats

View and export Question Details

9. Click on Questions Details tab for a deeper look at each question, including how multiple choice options performed

10. (Optional) Select a time frame. Tick the Has a Start Date and Has an End Date boxes and select them. Then click on Apply

11. Click on the right upper side buttons to Export to CVS or Export to Excel

Scroll down to see the information.

Question details

Now you know how to view and export Quizzes Statistics!

Want to know more about Quizzes in Brightspace?

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