Quizzes | How to add questions to a Quiz

Questions can be created or imported from the Question Library and added to a quiz, even once this latter has been created.

This article shows how to:

Adding questions to a quiz

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Assessments, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Click on Quizzes
Click Assessment, then click Quizzes

To add question whilst creating a new quiz check the article How to create a Quiz in order to check the steps before adding questions. Then proceed directly to Step 5 of this article.

On the Quiz homepage navigate to the quiz to which you want to add questions. Then,

  1. Click on the downward pointing arrow next to the quiz name
  2. From the drop-down menu, click on Edit to add questions to an existing quiz
Click arrow next to quiz name, then click Edit

This will redirect you to the Edit Quiz page.

In the section Questions, you will have two options based on the nature of the question

Questions options

1. Add Existing questions

Add Existing - to import questions that already exist, either by uploading a file or by browsing the Questions Library

On the Questions section

  1. Click on Add Existing
  2. From the drop-down menu choose:
    • Upload a File - to import questions from a file (only .csv and .zip files are supported), or 
    • Browse Question Library - to import questions from the Question Library to this quiz
Quiz question creator opens with buttons Add and Import

For more information and step by step instructions on how to import question from Question Library visit the article: Quizzes | How to add questions to a Quiz from Question Library.

Follow the system's instructions of either of the options on importing questions to your quiz.

2. Create New questions

Create New - to create new questions, Section or Question Pool

  1. Click on Create New to create, to see the option. A list will appear where you can create:
    • New Question
    • Section
    • Question Pool
  2. Click on New Question to add a new question

It's now possible to select the type of question to add. Several options of question types appear.

5.Click on Create New to create, to see the option. A list will appear where you can create:•New Question•Section•Question Pool6.Click on New Question to add a new questionIt's now possible to select the type of question to add. Several options of question types appear.

For more information and an overview of the different options visit the article: Quizzes| Quiz question types .

  1. Let's choose a Multiple Choice question (MC) for example
types of questions to add drop-down menu

Now, the question editor opens. Add the information and:

  1. Click Save
New Multple Choicce Question. 8.Click save

This action will close the pop-up window and direct you back to the main page where you can see the question you just created.

The question has been added to the quiz under the section Questions

For more information about the different setting available when creating a question, visit Quizzes | About question types, sections and question pool

Now you know how to add questions to a quiz in Brightspace!

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