FeedbackFruits | How to use the FeedbackFruits notifications

FeedbackFruits notification center can be access via the green navigation bar or via each FeedbackFruits assignment.  

This article shows how to:

How to access the notification center within a FeedbackFruits assignment

Navigate to your course, the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Content
  2. Click on the desired (sub)module
  3. Click on the FeedbackFruits learning Activity

This action will open the FeedbackFruits Learning activity.

  1. Click on the bell icon to open the list of notifications
  2. Click on the notification you wish you open

By clicking on one of the notifications, you will be directed to the part of the assignment the activity took place.

Notifications center in an assignment


Now you know how to use the notifications center associated with the FeedbackFruits assignments!


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