Classlist | Roles and permissions in Brightspace

Be aware that EMC  (Education Modification Cycle) is now managing the Study handbook (Studie gids). Therefore, any changes in Course Coordinator, Lecturer and Course Administrator roles should be requested by sending an email to [email protected].

Every time that a course role change is published in EMC, only the persons that are registered for that course in EMC will be enrolled in the Brightspace course. This means that when you manually enrol participants with one of the above indicated roles in your Brightspace course but these are not registered in EMC for that course, they will be removed from the Brightspace course by the EMC connection.

Teaching Assistant, Student Assistant, Guest Lecturer, Guest Presenter and Viewer roles can be enroled to Brightspace from the course classlist by either the Course Coordinator or the Course Administrator.

This only applies to Regular courses. For non-Regular courses please send an email to [email protected] if you wish to make any changes in the roles.

Educator Roles

1. Course Coordinator

The Course Coordinator is the leader of the course. The Course Coordinator has access and is responsible for all content, grades, and student experience. The Course Coordinator can also add/remove users to/from the course and change their role, but not to the roles that originate from EMC (i.e. Course Coordinator, Course Administrator and Lecturer).

2. Course Administrator

The Course Administrator can do all the administrative tasks and support the building of the course. The Course Administrator role has the same permissions as the Course Coordinator.

3. Lecturer

The Lecturer role has the same permissions as the Course Coordinator except they cannot add/remove users to/from the course. Users with the role of Lecturer or Examiner are added to Brightspace as Lecturer.

4. Teaching Assistant

The Teaching Assistant role has the ability to build courses and support the teacher in the course. Same as the Lecturer role, this role does not have the ability to add/remove users to/from the course. 

5. Student Assistant

The Student Assistant role is meant for students helping build courses and support the teacher in the course. Similar to the Teaching Assistant with the main difference that this role (as it is meant for persons still studying at WUR)  can only review handed-in assignment, but cannot publish feedback or grades, neither can access the grade book.

6. Guest Lecturer

The Guest Lecturer has the same permissions as the Lecturer. The main difference is that guest lecturers do not have a role in Education Modification Cycle (EMC) and can be added manually by the Course Coordinator, Course Administrator or Chairgoup Edu Officer. The Guest Lecturer can be from within the WUR or external. If the Guest Lecturer is external a guest account needs to be created before this user can be added.

7. Guest Presenter

The Guest presenter is an external guest speaker who can only view course materials, including hidden course content. They also have access to external learning tools. This role cannot create or publish content in Brightspace, but only respond in the Discussion topics. The Guest Presenter is external and a guest account needs to be created before this user can be added. 

8. Viewer

The Viewer role gives participants (other WUR staff or external users) a look into your course. However, they cannot actively participate in the course nor they can view External Learning Tools (like Weblectures and Knowledge clips in YuJa, LabBuddy and FeedbackFruits)

9. Chairgroup Edu Officer (with MS Teams)

The Chairgroup Edu Officer (with MS Teams) can do all the administrative tasks and support the building of the chairgroup courses, both in the Brightspace and the linked MS Teams (if that is created). This role has the same permissions as the Course Coordinator. Differently from the Course Coordinator, the Chairgroup Edu Officer (with MS Teams) is added automatically to all chairgroup courses and  is added to the MS Teams of this course (if that is created). The right to be enroled as a Chairgroup Edu Officer (with MS Teams) can be given on request by the head of the chair only.

10. Chairgroup Edu Officer (no MS Teams)

The Chairgroup Edu Officer (no MS Teams) can do all the administrative tasks and support the building of the chairgroup courses in the Brightspace. This role has the same permissions as the Course Coordinator with the difference that The Chairgroup Edu Officer (no MS Teams) is added automatically to all chairgroup courses and is not added to the MS Teams of this course (if that is created). The right to be enroled as a Chairgroup Edu Officer (no MS Teams)  can be given on request by the head of the chair only.

11. Educational Designer

Educational Designers support Brightspace course coordinators and lecturers with the setup of their course.  This role can access all courses in the system, however is not visible in the classlist. This role can be given by the Brightspace Administrators only. 

12. Super Viewer

Super viewers can only see the course content (including hidden content), and have access to all courses, i.e. to review course on copy-right (by library). This role cannot participate and is not visible in the classlist. This role can be given by the Brightspace Administrators only. 

Student Roles

13. Student

The Student role can access courses and participate actively as a student i.e. View published content, hand in assignments, take quizzes, view gradebook, etc. 

14. Re-exam Student

The Re-exam Student role has the same rights as the Student role. The only difference is that they will not be auto-enrolled in groups. 

15. Pre-Student

The Pre-Student role has the same rights as the Student role. The only difference is that they cannot use the email tool to email other (pre-)students in the course. 

16. Chairgroup Dummy Student

The Chairgroup Dummy Student role is created for a special purpose, described in the article: Test your course as a student: Test your course as a student: impersonate a dummy student. It is not a role intended  for real students! It is not allowed, due to GDPR requirements, to impersonate real student's accounts. Course Coordinators should only give the prepared Dummy chair group accounts mentioned in the article the Dummy Student role.

Regular course enrolments are provided automatically and it is not needed to add/remove users. Link to article: About Brightspace course enrolments

Summary of roles and permissions

Enroll others in Course
Course release (add/adjust start date)

Assignment feedback preparation
Assignments feedback + grade publish
Copy assignments to other courses
View individual progress
Content Viewing
Content Publishing
Create Activities (Discussion, assessments)
Participate in discussion Creating Groups and enrolling
Role in MS Teams
Course roles automatically added based on Study Handbook (EMC tool)
Course Coordinator (CC)
Course Coordinator (CC)
Course Administrator
Course Administrator
Lecturer X

Course roles manually added by Course coordinator, Course Administrator, or Chairgroup Educational Office
Teaching assistant X

Teaching assistant
Student Assistant

Student Assistant
X Owner
Guest lecturer X
Guest lecturer
Owner/ Guest
Guest Presenter X
Guest Presenter
Viewer X
** X
Course roles added on request by Brightspace administrators

Chairgroup Edu Officer (with MS Teams)

Chairgroup Edu Officer (with MS Teams)

Chairgroup Edu Officer (no MS Teams)

Chairgroup Edu Officer (no MS Teams)

Educational Designer

Educational Designer

Super Viewer X X X X X X Super Viewer
X ** X X X X X

* It is possible for a student assistant to see and download the assignment submissions. The student assistant can therefore only formulate feedback outside Brightspace and sent it by e-mail to a course coordinator, lecturer or teaching assistant.

** except for hidden content and external learning tools like integrated YuJa video's

Brightspace Student Roles

Content Viewing (excl. hidden content)
Be enrolled in groups
Is auto-enrolled in groups
Participate in activities (assessments, discussion) 
Upload files in assign., quizzes, discussions, lockers
Use the email tool to email other students (classlist or group)
Role in MS Teams

Re-exam Student



Chairgroup Dummy Student



Now you know about Roles and Permissions in Brightspace!

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