Wooclap | How to integrate in PowerPoint
Integrate interactive Wooclap questions directly into your PowerPoint Office 365 presentation allows you to combine PowerPoint features with the effectiveness of Wooclap's real-time interactivity.
This article shows how to:
Keep in mind that in order to use the integration of Wooclap in Brightspace, MS Teams and Powerpoint you need first to login through the Wooclap platform
Keep in mind the PowerPoint Add-in is available when using a WUR device and not when using a private device
Please note that Wooclap only integrates with the PowerPoint version 15 (2013) Windows and Online and with the version 16 (2016) with the Office subscription. The version 16 on Windows and Mac may work but we cannot guarantee it. Neither can we guarantee that the other versions of PowerPoint will work correctly with our add-in. If you use a different version of PowerPoint, you can always insert your questions by uploading your presenation on Wooclap
Integrating in PowerPoint
Please note that first you need to create your questions in Wooclap platform and then you can incorporate them into your PowerPoint slides.
Open your PowerPoint presentation and,
- Click on Home on the menu
- Click on Add-ins
- Select Wooclap
The steps from Logging in PowerPoint for the first time need to be followed the first time you access Wooclap through Powerpoint. The next time you are automatically logged in to Wooclap
A blue window is added to the PowerPoint slide,
4. Click on Start

5. Choose to log in with your institution by clicking on Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
6. Click on Go to login screen

7. Click on Login

A new window pop-up,
8. Enter your WUR e-mail address and password
9. Click on Sign in

10. Click on Copy

Close the window with the access key and,
11. Paste the access key
12. Click on Sign in

13. Select the Wooclap event from which you want to retrieve a question
14. Choose the question that should be displayed on the slide
15. Click on Insert Question

Now you know how to integrate Wooclap in PowerPoint!
Related Topics
Want to know more about the Wooclap application?
Please visit:
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