Course Home | How to edit the Calendar settings

You can adjust the settings of the Calendar in Brightspace to your liking. You can set the time frame of your calendar, set how you want to view the completed task, even set a RSS feed.  

You can access the settings of the Calendar either from the WUR Brightspace homepage or from your course homepage.

1. Click on the arrow next to Calendar

2. Click on Go to Calendar

WUR Brightspace homepage - Calendar

You have now accessed the Calendar page.

Editing Calendar Settings

  1. In the Calendar page, click on Settings
Calendar page - Lecturer view - settings option

Now the Calendar Settings menu page pops out. Here you can indicate various preferences with regard to your calendar:

Calendar settings options

Calendar Options sections

1. Course Hours

These are the hours that are displayed on your regular calendar. By default, the hours are set from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Also, weekends are shown. If you want to change the time, click on either the start or end time of a day to adjust. Also, untick the box Show weekends if you do not want to have your weekends included in the calendar.

2. Calendar Feeds

If this Selectbox is ticked, you create a private URL for your calendar. When sharing this with others they are able to check out your calendar, and even subscribe to it. If you do not want others to see your Calendar, untick this box.

Tasks Options section

This menu shows the different options for seeing the tasks:

3. Completed Tasks

In the Completed Tasks field, choose your preference for the tasks that you have completed. You can decide to either: 

  • hide them (Hide completed tasks), or 
  • show them for a number of days (Show completed tasks for [1/3/7] days)
4. Upcoming Tasks Default Duration

In the Upcoming Tasks Default Duration, it is possible to indicate the number of days for upcoming tasks to be displayed. The choice you have here is:

  • 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 14 days
5. Confirm Delete

In the section of Confirm Delete, you can click or unclick the Selectbox of Confirm before deleting tasks.  

This menu simply sets the preference for having tasks deleted. Do you want to be informed about your deleting activities before it happens? Then select the box. If not, leave the box unselected.

Once you have indicated your preferred settings, click Save.

Now you know how to Edit the Calendar Settings!


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