Education SupportVariousBrightspace & Related Tools ManualsASSESSMENT: QuizzesQuizzes | How to set quiz submission views for students

Quizzes | How to set quiz submission views for students

After students submit a quiz, they will receive the confirmation message "Your quiz has been submitted successfully". Besides, a quiz can be also edited so that students see a specific submission view when handing in a quiz. The submission view can provide information about their answers, and can show the correct or incorrect answers, for example.

This article shows how to:

How to access the settings

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Assessments, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. Click on Quizzes to open the Quiz Homepage
navigate to assessment and click on assignments
  1. Click on the tab Manage Quizzes
  2. Click on the black arrow next to the quiz name you want to set submission views for
  3. Click on Edit on the drop-down menu. This will open the Edit Quiz page
quiz homepage, clik on the black arrow and a dropdown menu will open, then click edit

This will open the Edit Quiz page. On the right side column,

  1. Click on the Evaluation and Feedback to unfold more options
Click on Evaluation and Feedback to expand the menu
  1. Tick the box 'Deduction points for incorrect answers' to deduct points from incorrect answers in quizzes. Fill in the box below with the desired percentage of deduction.
  2. Tick the box 'Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion' to enable automatically publish evaluation
  3. Tick the box 'Attempt grade', if you wish to communicate to the students the grade of each attempt. Deselect if you wish not to do so
  4. Click on box below to add more display options such as:
    • No question - Students will see only their attempt grade
    • Incorrect questions only, with correct answers - Students will see only the question that were false answered, with the correct answer
    • Incorrect questions only, without correct answers - Students will see only the questions that were false answered
    • All questions, with correct answers - Students will see all the questions of the quiz with the correct answer
    • All questions, without correct answers - Students will see only all the questions of the quiz
  5. Click on Customize Quiz Results Displays, to adjust the way results will be displayed
7.Tick the box 'Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion' to enable automatically publish evaluation8.Click on the tick-box Attempt grade, if you wish to communicate to the students the grade of each attempt. Deselect if you wish not to do so9.Click on  box below to add more display options such as:•No question - Students will see only their attempt grade•Incorrect questions only, with correct answers - Students will see only the question that were false answered, with the correct answer•Incorrect questions only, without correct answers - Students will see only the questions that were false answered•All questions, with correct answers - Students will see all the questions of the quiz with the correct answer•All questions, without correct answers - Students will see only all the questions of the quiz10.Click on Customize Quiz Results Displays,

This action will open a pop-up window, where the following options are available:

  • Primary View - to set the default view for students. Continue to Primary View to learn more
  • Additional View - to create a new view style. Continue to Additional views to learn more
This action will open a pop-up window, where the following options are available:•Primary View - to set the default view for students. Continue to Primary View to learn more•Additional View - to create a new view style. Continue to Additional views to learn more

Primary View

This is the default view that students will see after finishing a quiz. By default the:

  • Message - is set to "Your quiz has been submitted successfully."
  • Grade - is set to display the grade for evaluated questions
  • Questions - are not being displayed
  • Answers - are not being displayed
  • Learner's Responses - are not being displayed

Follow the next steps to change the settings of the default view:

  1. Click on Edit View
Click on Edit View to change the settings

In the default view menu the following options are available:

  1. Click on the text-box to display a custom message
  2. Click on the tick-box under Grade section, to select the option and display to the students the grade for the evaluated questions
  3. Click on the box under Questions section, to expand the options. The following are available:
    • Don't show - No question will be displayed to students after quiz completion
    • All questions - Students will be able to see all questions of the quiz
    • Incorrect questions only with learner's responses - Students will be able to see the questions that were wrongly answered with their responses
    • Correct questions only with learner's responses - Students will be able to see only the questions that were answered correctly with their responses
  4. Click on the tick-box under Statistics to select and enable one or more of the following available options:
    • Display class average - to show the average score of the quiz submissions
    • Display grade distribution - to show the grade distribution per question for the rest of the participants
  1. Click on Update to save the current settings and go back to the Customize Quiz Results Displays pop-up window.
In the default view menu the following options are available:2.Click on the text-box to edit the default message3.Click on the tick-box to select the option and display to the students the grade for the evaluated questions4.Click on the box under Questions section to expand the options. The following are available:•Don't show -•All questions -•Incorrect questions only with learner's responses - •Correct questions only with learner's responses -5.Statistics:•Display class average - to show the average score of the quiz submissions•Display grade distribution - to show the grade distribution per question for the rest of the participants

The Message window can also be used to link to other parts in Brightspace. This can be used to link the quiz to other parts of the course, for example to submit an Assignment or to read a new chapter.

How to adjust the Additional View

An additional view can be added to the quiz submission screen. This possibility offers additional options about what will students see after submitting a quiz.

To add an additional submission view to a quiz, follow the next steps:

  1. Click on + Additional View
Click on Edit View to change the settings
  1. Set the Display Date and time you wish this view to be available to the students
  2. Enter a message that students will see upon completion of the quiz
  3. Click on the tick-box under Grade section, to select the option and display to the students the grade for the evaluated questions
  4. Click on the box under Questions section, to expand the options. The following are available:
    • Don't show - No question will be displayed to students after quiz completion
    • All questions - Students will be able to see all questions of the quiz
    • Incorrect questions only with learner's responses - Students will be able to see the questions that were wrongly answered with their responses
    • Correct questions only with learner's responses - Students will be able to see only the questions that were answered correctly with their responses
  5. Click on the tick-box under Statistics to select and enable one or more of the following available options:
    • Display class average - to show the average score of the quiz submissions
    • Display grade distribution - to show the grade distribution per question for the rest of the participants
  6. Click on Create to save the changes and create the new submission view

This action will take you back to the list of views.

Select A limited amount of time (in minutes) after submission to make the submission view available for a limited amount of time (1-9999 minutes)

2.Set the Date and time you wish this view to be available to the students3.Enter a message that students will see upon completion of the quiz4.Click on the tick-box  under Grades section, to select the option and display to the students the grade for the evaluated questions5.Click on the box under Questions section, to expand the options. The following are available:•Don't show - No question will be displayed to students after quiz completion•All questions - Students will be able to see all questions of the quiz•Incorrect questions only with learner's responses - Students will be able to see the questions that were wrongly answered with their responses•Correct questions only with learner's responses - Students will be able to see only the questions that were answered correctly with their responses6.Click on the tick-box under Statistics to select and enable one or more of the following available options:•Display class average - to show the average score of the quiz submissions•Display grade distribution - to show the grade distribution per question for the rest of the participants
  1. Click OK to set the new view
7.Click on Create to save the changesThis action will take you back to the list of views.8.Click OK to set the new view

How to set the submission view

If you have created one or multiple additional views, these will be visible to Evaluation & Feedback section.

  1. Click on X to if you wish remove the additional view and
  2. Click on Save and Close to save the settings and exit the Quiz edit page

If you delete the additional view on this level, will result in removing the entire view.

1.Click on X to if you wish remove the additional view and2.Click on Save and Close to save the settings and exit the Quiz edit page


Now you know how to set student submission views upon a quiz completion in Brightspace!

Want to learn more about quizzes? Please visit:


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