Page Navigation | General Brightspace page controls

This article explains the general features of the Brightspace environment of Wageningen University & Research. These controls are visible in:

General Brightspace page controls

Brightspace page - general setup  features

At the top of the Brightspace environment of Wageningen University you will find:

  1. Wageningen University & Research logo on the left side - a clickable item, which serves as a Return to home button. By clicking on the logo you will be redirected back to the Brightspace WUR homepage.
  2. The minibar on the right side

This setup is the same across both the Brightspace WUR homepage and all course pages, or program pages, created in Brightspace.

The minibar

The menu in the upper right corner of the Brightspace page is called the minibar and contains navigation and personal profile settings:

The icons in minibar follows as the waffle, message alerts, subscription alerts, update alerts and profile

1. The Waffle or Course Selector tool

The Course Selector drop-down menu shows manually pinned courses, followed by current enrollments, then future enrollments (if they are available and visible to the user), and finally, past enrollments (if they are visible to the user).

2. Message alerts

Notifies you about unread mail and instant messages from instructors and students

3. Subscription alerts

Notifies you about new blog posts, subscribed discussion forums, topics, and threads

4. Update alerts

Notifies you about new and updated announcements, due dates and end dates, and grades. Students will receive update alerts when you add new content to the course, or when you publish announcements, grades or deadlines. An orange dot appears when there are new updates.

5. Your profile

Can be used for the tool 'view as a student', and contains all information regarding your profile and account settings. Here you can also set your preferred language. You can log out of the Brightspace Learning Environment through your profile icon.

Now you know how to use the general page controls of the WUR homepage and course homepage of Brightspace!


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