Quizzes | How to set restrictions for a Quiz

Restrictions can be used to limit students' access to quizzes. For example by setting a start and/or end date, or by creating the requirement of completing another part of the course first.

This article shows how to:

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Assessments, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. From the drop-down menu click Quizzes, this will open the Quiz Homepage
Navigate to quiz

In the Manage Quizzes page,

  1. Click on the arrow next to the quiz to be edited to open the drop-down menu
  2. Click Edit, this will open the Edit Quiz homepage 
go to Edit Quiz homepage
  1. Click on the arrow next to Availability Dates & Conditions
5. Availability Dates & Conditions

How to set Availability & Conditions

In this section you can find more information on how to set availability for your quiz (date and access), release conditions and special access.

Availability Dates & Conditions settings

1. Start Date / End Date

When a quiz should not be available from a specific date, or no longer be available to students after a specific date, click the calendar icon and specify a Start Date, or an End Date respectively; both can be active simultaneously

  • Start Date - the item will not be visible before the set date
  • End Date - the item will not be visible after the set date

2. Due Date

When the quiz should be submitted before a specific date, click on the calendar under Due Date to set one. This date will appear in the Calendar of the students. The quiz will still be visible and available after the due date.

3. Release Conditions

Additional Release Conditions can be attached to the quiz to make the quiz available to only those students that comply with the conditions; for example a quiz is only available once all the items from a checklist are submitted.

  • Add Existing - when release conditions have been created before in the course, these can be implemented by selecting this option
  • Create New - to create new release conditions
  • Click on the X next to the condition to remove it

When release conditions are added, select the option whether students have to meet one of these conditions (Any condition must be met) or all conditions (All conditions must be met).

4. Special Access

Special Access gives specific students extra options with regards to the quiz, without having to change the quiz for all students. To adjust the settings , under the section Special Access:

  1. Click on to Manage Special Access to open the Editing pane
1. Click on Manage special access to enter the editting page
  1. Select one of the following available options:
    • Tick the box Allow selected users special access to this quiz to grant specific students extra time, extra attempts or an extended deadline
    • Tick the box Allow only users with special access to see this quiz to limit the availability of the quiz to selected students
  2. Click Add Users to Special Access to select the users that require special access

This action will open a pop-up window with more options.

2.Select one of the following available options:•Tick the box Allow selected users special access to this quiz to grant specific students extra time, extra attempts or an extended deadline•Tick the box Allow only users with special access to see this quiz to limit the availability of the quiz to selected students 3.Click Add Users to Special Access to select the users that require special access
Add Users to Special Access

The following are available, under each section:

  1. Properties - to adjust the due-, start- and end-date for the students with special access.
  2. Timing - to adjust the timing setting for students with special access. By ticking the Override time limit box, it is possible to extend the quiz time limit. By ticking the box Override behavior when time limit is exceeded, it is possible to change the kind of quiz submission when the time expires (to understand different quiz submissions see https://wur-lecturer.screenstepslive.com/a/1309199#1-timing)
  3. Attempts - can be specified by ticking the box Override attempts allowed; this can be both lower or higher than those of regular students
  4. Users - select the students. Type in the search box to search the students requiring special access and tick the boxes to select them

As soon as you have set everything up,

  1. Click on Save
Add User to Special Access

5. Password

Set a Password that has to be entered by students in order to be granted access to the quiz.

6. IP Restrictions

Click Manage IP Restrictions if the quiz should only be accessible from specific computers.

7. Visibility

Make the quiz visible to users. To hide the quiz from students, click on the eye icon.

To hide the quiz from students, click on the eye icon.


Now you know how to set restrictions for a Quiz in Brightspace!

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