Grades | How to view Grades statistics

You can view Grades statistics for grade items and the final grade. You can view Class statistics which includes the Grade Distribution and Grade Frequency. You can also view User Statistics showing each student's grade.

This article shows how to:

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar,

  1. Click on Grades

This opens the Grades homepage,

  1. Click on the Manage Grades tab
manage grades

This opens the Manage Grades homepage,

  1. Click on the downward arrow of a grade item or the Final Calculated Grade
  2. Click on View Statistics

A new window appears with two possibilities for viewing Grade Statistics,

View Class Statistics

In the Class Statistics tab you can view the Class statistics, Grade Distribution and Grade Frequency

class statistics
  1. View Statistics For - chose to view statistics for the Final Calculated Grade or the Final Adjusted Grade
  2. View by - chose to view the grades by user or by group
  3. Final Calculated Grade Class Statistics - shows you the number of submitted grades, the lowest, highest and average grade and a standard deviation value that indicates how spread out the grades are from the mean value
  4. Grade Distribution - is a bar graph overview showing how many students received which grade value
  5. Grade Frequency - is a table overview of the number and percentage of the grade frequency

1. View Statistics For - Only shows for Final Grades

View User Statistics

In the User Statistics tab you can view the student statistics on grades

user statistics
  1. View Statistics For - chose to view statistics for the Final Calculated Grade or the Final Adjusted Grade
  2. View By - chose to view the grades by user or by group
  3. Search For - search for a students name in the search bar
  4. Student number per page -  set the amount of students visible per page (25, 50, 75, 100 or 200)

3. Search For - Clicking on Show Search Options offers you the possibility to filter students according to the grade they received on a certain grade item

4. Student number per page - Suggestion is to always set this to the maximum (200 per page)

Now you know how to view grade statistics for an individual grade item or the final grade!

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