Course copy | About course copy in Brightspace

It is possible to copy both the structure and the content (modules, activities, settings) from one course to another. This way you can use the course you have built over the year for another year. This can save a lot of time.

This article will explain:

General information

Remember that you need to be enrolled in both courses (as staff) in order to copy components from one course to the other.

In general, the procedure for copying courses will be:

  1. The Course Coordinator will get access to an empty Brightspace course page
  2. The Course Coordinator has two options:
    1. copy the course him/herself using the manuals here
    2. Or can get help by:

The copy process is not a merging process! It copies all the structure and items. Be aware if you already have created structure and content items in the target course as it will create duplicate modules with the same name.

What will/can be copied?

Course content

Course content Can be copied Can be copied, but needs checking afterwards Should not be copied. Create a new link after copy.
Adjust publication dates (also in the text).
Assignment (Brightspace) ✔️

Assignment with rubrics ✔️ - On Copy all Components On copy Selected Components: Link to rubric will be lost unless rubric is selected as well in the Select Components option. The same is true for Grade Items linked to Assignment.

Course files ✔️

Discussion Forum/Topics ✔️

Grade items/categories ✔️

(including links, such as to Assignments)
✔️ Self Enrolment groups with Expiry dates need to be adjusted. This can be done before copying a course, deselect unenroled users after self enrolment expiry date.
Quiz (Brightspace) ✔️

Rubric ✔️

Self-assessment ✔️

Loss of special access.
SCORM object
Will lose any link to the grade items.
Link to grade item after copy.

Intelligent Agents ✔️ When copying an Intelligent Agent to another course, the settings have to be set up and activated again.
External Learning Tools:
  • FeedbackFruits (Assignment Review / Discussion Assignment/ Peer Review)

Causes calendar issues if the original has a Due date.
Change the due dates and delete the Calendar entry of the old one.
  • FeedbackFruits (Interactive Document / Presentation / Video)

  • LabBuddy

  • JoVe Connection

  • MS Teams

The widget will be available. A team can be created on request
  • YuJa (Weblecture / Knowledge clip / Multimedia)
After copying, check the YuJa channel of your course to make sure videos are available. If not, please contact [email protected]

Course settings

Furthermore, there are settings of the course that can also be transferred from your old course to your new course:

Course Setting Can be copied Can be copied, but needs checking afterwards Should not be copied, re-create after copy
Course structure (modules, sub-modules) ✔️

Release conditions ✔️

Grades settings ✔️

What will not be copied?

  • YuJa playlists
  • Manually added events from the Calendar
  • All user-related data is not copied. Example of such data:
    • handed-in assignments, 
    • achieved grades, 
    • group locker contents, 
    • enrolled users in the source course
    • discussion posts
    • and others.

Empty folders in the Manage files will not be copied in a course copy, and all Default paths set to the folders will be lost.

You now know about how to copy a course in Brightspace!

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