Education SupportVariousBrightspace & Related Tools ManualsASSESSMENT: AssignmentsAssignments | How to create Categories and add assignments to them

Assignments | How to create Categories and add assignments to them

Assignments can be organized in categories to offer a clearer overview.

This article shows how to:

How to create categories

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar

  1. Click on Assessments, a drop-down menu will appear
  2. From the drop-down menu, click on Assignments
Navigate to Assessment, then select Assignments

This action opens the homepage of the Assignments. If you are using this tool in your Brightspace course page for the first time, the homepage of this tool will appear empty.

  1. Click on Edit Categories
Assignments homepage

This will open the Edit Categories page.

  1. Click on Add Category
Add category

If you double click the name of an existing category, you can change it's name.

This will open a pop-up window.

  1. Give a name to the new category
  2. Click on Create
create category

The pop-up window will close and the new categories will show on the previous window.

  1. Click on Close to return to the assignment page.

You will not see the categories in the Assignments page until you connect the assignments to the right category. Instead, all the assignments will be under No Category. You can always access and edit the categories via Edit Categories.

How to add assignments to a category

To add assignments to a category, navigate to the Assignment page (via Assessment -> Assignment).

A list of existing assignments will be available. If you first need to create an assignment, consult How to create an Assignment. Assignments that are not linked to a category will show under No Category.

The Bulk Edit function will be used to link assignments to categories. This option is located above the table with assignments. It can be used to edit the names, categories, access and/or deadlines of multiple assignments.

To use the Bulk Edit option:

  1. Select the assignment(s) to be edited by ticking on the Select box(es) in the column before the name of the assignment, 
  2. Click on Bulk Edit

A new window will appear showing the list of selected assignments with different editing options.

3. Click on No Category to open a drop-down menu of the available categories and select the desired category. Categories should be created in advance

4. Click on Save

select category

You will be redirected to the Assignments page. The assignments will show under the selected category.


Now you know how to use create and use Assignment Categories in Brightspace!


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