Question Library | About Question Types, Sections and Question Pools

You can use the Question Library to copy, import, edit, organize into sections, and add questions to quizzes, surveys, or self-assessments. There are various types of question types that can be tailored to meet the needs of the learner or the content.

In this article you will find information about:

For more information on how to navigate to the Question Library via Quizzes, Surveys or Self-Assessments, please visit: Navigating to the Question Library

Add quiz content

1. Different question types

The following type of quiz questions can be created using the Quizzes tool.

For further information, please visit:  How to add questions to a Quiz

True or False Question (T/F)

True or false (T/F) questions consists of a statement that requires a true or false response

  1. Add True/False question text
  2. Select the answer
  3. Set the number of points attributed to the question
True or False Question (T/F)


A drop-down menu will appear. Select the Options that can be added to the quiz

  • Add Feedback - a text box will appear where it is possible to add Feedback to the question
  • Add Hint - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a hint to the question
  • Add Short Description - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a short description to the question
  • Add Enumeration - a text box will appear where it is possible to enumerate the question
Options - drop-down menu

Saving the question

Click on Save

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the True or False Question


  • The downward arrow next to Save, a drop-down menu will appear, select
    • Save and new - to save and open a new True or False Question
    • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Cancel - to cancel the True or False Question
Multiple Choice Question (MC)

Multiple choice (MC) questions is a form of an objective assessment in which respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered as a list

1. Add question text

2. Add and tick the circle with the correct answer

3. (Optional) Tick the box to randomise answer order

4. (Optional) Click on Add Answer to add answer box

5. Set the number of points attributed to the question

Multiple Choice Question


A drop-down menu will appear. Select the Options that can be added to the quiz

  • Add Feedback - a text box will appear where it is possible to add Feedback to the question
  • Add Hint - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a hint to the question
  • Add Short Description - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a short description to the question
  • Add Custom Weights - a text box will appear where it is possible to add custom weights to the question
  • Add Enumeration - a text box will appear where it is possible to enumerate the question
Options - drop-down menu

Saving the question

Click on Save

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Multiple Choice Question


  • The downward arrow next to Save, a drop-down menu will appear, select
    • Save and new - to save and open a new Multiple Choice Question
    • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Multiple Choice Question
MS Multi-Select Question (M-S)

Multi-Select (M-S) questions require respondents to identify one or more correct answers in a list of possible answers. Unlike multiple-choice (MC) questions, multi-select questions enable you to choose a grading format and allow users to select more than one answer.

1. Add question text

2. Add and tick the circle with the correct answer

3. (Optional) Click on Add Answer to add answer box

4. (Optional) Tick the box to randomise answer order

5. Set the number of points attributed to the question

6. Click on the downward arrow

7. Select the type of points assignation,

  • All or Nothing -  Full points only attributed when all correct answers are selected and all incorrect answers are left blank. Students cannot earn partial points.
  • Correct Selections - Points are evenly distributed across all answers. Students earn partial points for each answer correctly selected and left blank.
  • Correct  Answers, Limited Selection - Points are evenly distributed across correct answers only. The number of selections allowed is limited to the number of correct answers. Students earn partial points for each correct answer selected.
  • Right Minus Wrong Selections - Points are evenly distributed across all answers. Students earn partial points for each answer correctly selected and left blank. Students lose points for answers incorrectly selected or left blank. Learners cannot receive less than 0 points.
Multi- Select Question


A drop-down menu will appear. Select the Options that can be added to the quiz

  • Add Feedback - a text box will appear where it is possible to add Feedback to the question
  • Add Hint - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a hint to the question
  • Add Short Description - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a short description to the question
  • Add Enumeration - a text box will appear where it is possible to enumerate the question
Options - drop-down menu

Saving the question

Click on Save

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Multi-Select Question


  • The downward arrow next to Save, a drop-down menu will appear, select
    • Save and new - to save and open a new Multi-Select Question
    • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Multi-Select Question
Written Response Question (WR)

A written response (WR) questions require respondents to write detailed answers in response to open-ended questions.

1. Add question text

2. Tick the box to enable HTML Editor for students responses

3. Tick the box to enable inserted images and attachments

4.  Set the number of points attributed to the question

Written Response Question (WR)


A drop-down menu will appear. Select the Options that can be added to the quiz

  • Add Feedback - a text box will appear where it is possible to add Feedback to the question
  • Add Hint - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a hint to the question
  • Add Short Description - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a short description to the question
  • Add Answer key - a text box will appear where it is possible to add an answer key for evaluators
  • Add Custom Response Box Size - a box will appear, it is possible to select the size of the response (sentence, paragraph or essay)
  • Add Enumeration - a text box will appear where it is possible to enumerate the question
Options - drop-down menu

Saving the question

Click on Save

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Written Response Question


  • The downward arrow next to Save, a drop-down menu will appear, select
    • Save and new - to save and open a new Written Response Question
    • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Written Response Question
Short Answer Question (SA)

The Short answer (SA) questions require respondents to create one word or brief sentence answers in response to open-ended questions.

1. Add question text

2. Click on the downward arrow next to abc, a drop-down menu will appear

3. Select an answer:

  • Text 
  • Case-Sensitive Text
  • Regular Expression

All blank answers are assessed when using the same comparison method

Short Answer (SA) Question, under Answers for Blank 1 next to abc click on the downward arrow

4. Click Add Blank to add more Answers

5. Set the number of points attributed to the question

Short Answer (SA) Add more blanks and set the default points


A drop-down menu will appear. Select the Options that can be added to the quiz

  • Add Feedback - a text box will appear where it is possible to add Feedback to the question
  • Add Hint - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a hint to the question
  • Add Short Description - a text box will appear where it is possible to add a short description to the question
Options - drop-down menu

Saving the question

Click on Save

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Short Answer Question


  • The downward arrow next to Save, a drop-down menu will appear, select
    • Save and new - to save and open a new Short Answer Question
    • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Cancel - to cancel Short Answer Question
Multi-Short Answer Question (MSA)

Multi-Short Answer (MSA) questions require respondents to answer a multi-solution question and input their answers into individual input boxes. Respondent’s answers are checked against each possible answer stored in the answer fields.

Under the heading General,

1. (Optional) Enter a title

2. Set the number of points attributed to the question

3. Click on the downward arrow to select the difficulty (1 to 5)

4. Add question text

5. (Optional) Click on Insert an image 

6. (Optional) Add an image description

Adding a title to the question can be useful when retrieving the question in the  Question Library

Multi-Short Answer Question - general settings

Scroll down, until the Options heading,

7.  Add Input boxes

8. Click on the downward arrow to select the number of Rows (1-6)

9. Click on the downward arrow to select the number of Columns (20 -60)

10. Type in a number of answers to be added, click on Add Answer

11. Click on Check Answers

Multi-Short Answer Question

In the Input boxes overview

12. Add an answer

13. Add the Weight (%) of the question

14. Select the type of evaluation,

  • Case Insensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the answer text with or without letter case correctness
  • Case Sensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the answer text that must have letter case correctness
  • Regular Expression - Auto-grading uses meta-characters to search for one or more matching strings in the answer text's character pattern. What you set as meta-character parameters helps determine letter case sensitivity
Multi-Short Answer Question Input boxes Overview

15. Click on Expand question hint in the HTML Editor add question hint

16. Click on Expand question feedback  in the HTML Editor add feedback

Expand Question Hint and Question Feedback

Saving and previewing the question

Saving and previewing question

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Multi-Short Answer Question
  • Save and new - to save and open a new Multi-Short Answer Question
  • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Preview - to preview the newly created Multi-Short Answer Question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Multi-Short Answer Question
Fill in the Blanks Question (FIB)

Fill in the Blanks (FIB) question consists of a phrase, sentence, or paragraph with a blank space where a student provides the missing word or words.

Under the heading General,

1. (Optional) Add a title

2. Set the number of points attributed to the question

3. Click on the downward arrow to select the difficulty (1 to 5)

4. (Optional) Click on Insert an image 

5. (Optional) Add an image description

Fill in the Blanks General Settings

Scroll down to the Question Text heading,

6. Click on Add Blank to insert 1 Blank

7. Click on Add Text to insert 1 Text

8. Add text in the HTML Editor

9. Click on the downward arrow to select the Size (5-30)

10. Click on Add Answer to insert 1 Answer

11. Click on Check Answers

12. Add the Answer

13. Add the Weight (%) of the question

14. Select the type of evaluation,

  • Case Insensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the answer text with or without letter case correctness
  • Case Sensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the answer text that must have letter case correctness
  • Regular Expression - Auto-grading uses meta-characters to search for one or more matching strings in the answer text's character pattern. What you set as meta-character parameters helps determine letter case sensitivity
Fill in the Blanks Question text settings

Scroll down,

15. Click on Expand question hint in the HTML Editor add question hint

16. Click on Expand question feedback  in the HTML Editor add feedback

Expand Question Hint and Question Feedback

Saving and previewing the question

Saving and previewing question

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Fill in the Blanks Question
  • Save and new - to save and open a new Fill in the Blanks Question
  • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Preview - to preview the newly created Fill in the Blanks Question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Fill in the Blanks Question
Matching Question (MAT)

Matching (MAT) questions require respondents to choose from a set of possible match choices from drop-down lists and correctly pair them with related items. This question type enables you to assess users' recognition of information and demonstrate comprehension of specific relationships.

Under the heading General,

1. (Optional) Add a title

2. Set the number of points attributed to the question

3. Click on the downward arrow to select the difficulty (1 to 5)

4. Add question text

5. (Optional) Click on Insert an image 

6. (Optional) Add an image description

Matching question - general settings

Scroll down, under the heading choices,

7. Select the grading method for the question:

  • Equally weighted - The total point value is divided equally among all possible correct matches. Users receive equally weighted points for each correct answer
  • All or nothing - Users receive full points for the question if they select all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers. Users receive zero points if they miss any correct answers or select any incorrect answers
  • Right minus wrong - Users receive points equal to the number of right answers they choose minus the number of incorrect answers they choose

8. Click on Add Choice to insert 1 Choice

9. Add text in the HTML Editor

Matching Question - Choices settings

Scroll down to the heading Matches,

10. Click on Add Match, to add 1 Match

11. Add Match text in the HTML Editor

12. Click on the downward arrow to select the corresponding Choice to the matching value

Matching Question - Matches

Scroll down,

13. Click on Expand question hint in the HTML Editor add question hint

14. Click on Expand question feedback  in the HTML Editor add feedback

Expand Question Hint and Question Feedback

Saving and previewing the question

Saving and previewing question

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Matching Question
  • Save and new - to save and open a new Matching Question
  • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Preview - to preview the newly created Matching Question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Matching Question
Ordering Question (ORD)

The ordering question type displays several short sentences in a random order which are to be dragged into the correct sequential order. Under the heading General,

1. (Optional) Add a title

2. Set the number of points attributed to the question

3. Click on the downward arrow to select the difficulty (1 to 5)

4. Add question text

5. (Optional) Click on Insert an image 

6. (Optional) Add an image description

Ordering Question - General settings

In the Options area, do the following:

  1. Select the grading method:
    • Equally weighted - The total point value is divided equally among all possible correct matches. Users receive equally weighted points for each correct answer
    • All or nothing - Users receive full points for the question if they select all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers. Users receive zero points if they miss any correct answers or select any incorrect answers
    • Right minus wrong - Users receive points equal to the number of right answers they choose minus the number of incorrect answers they choose
  2. Click on Add Item to add 1 item
  3. Add Value in the HTML Editor
  4. Click on the downward arrow to select the corresponding Choice to the matching value
  5. Add Feedback in the HTML Editor
Ordering Question - Options settings

Scroll down,

12. Click on Expand question hint in the HTML Editor add question hint

13. Click on Expand question feedback  in the HTML Editor add feedback

Expand Question Hint and Question Feedback

Saving and previewing the question

Saving and previewing question

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Ordering Question
  • Save and new - to save and open a new Ordering Question
  • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Preview - to preview the newly created Ordering Question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Ordering Question
Arithmetic Question

Arithmetic questions enable you to assess users' knowledge and comprehension of mathematics and number theory. Under the heading General,

1. (Optional) Add a title

2. Set the number of points attributed to the question

3. Click on the downward arrow to select the difficulty (1 to 5)

4. Add question text

5. (Optional) Click on Insert an image 

6. (Optional) Add an image description

You can ensure each respondent receives a unique question by including variables enclosed with curly braces that randomly generate numbers within the problem. For example, if you set variables x, y, and z with a Min 1 to Max 5 number range in 1-step increments, the question “You have {x} green marbles, {y} red marbles, and {z} blue marbles. How many marbles do you have in total?” will randomly generate a rational number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) for {x}, {y}, and {z}.

Arithmetic question General

Scroll down,

7. Tick the box to allow attachments to support answers

8. Enter the Formula using the following supported operations, functions, and constants

9. Click on Test to verify your formula

10. Click on the downward arrow to add an Answer Precision, for a specific number of decimals (1-10)

11. Tick the box to enforce precision

12. Select the Tolerance units or percentage to accept near-accurate, estimated, or rounded answers

13. Enter a unit type (mm, cm, grams, inches, etc.)

14. Click on the downward arrow to assign a weighted points value to the measurement unit

15. Select one of the Evaluation Option,

  • Case Insensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the answer text with or without letter case correctness.
  • Case Sensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the answer text that must have letter case correctness.
  • Regular Expression - Auto-grading uses meta-characters to search for one or more matching strings in the answer text's character pattern. What you set as meta-character parameters helps determine letter case sensitivity.
Arithmetic question further options

Scroll down, under the heading Variables,

16. Click on Add Variable to add 1 Variable

17. Add a name to the Variable

18. Add a Min. to the Variable

19. Add a Max. to the Variable

20. Click on the downward arrow to provide the Decimal places

21. Enter the number to the Step

Arithmetic question, under variables heading

Scroll down,

22. Click on Expand question hint in the HTML Editor add question hint

23. Click on Expand question feedback  in the HTML Editor add feedback

Expand Question Hint and Question Feedback

Saving and previewing the question

Saving and previewing question

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Arithmetic Question
  • Save and new - to save and open a new Arithmetic Question
  • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Preview - to preview the newly created Arithmetic Question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Arithmetic Question
Significant Figures (SF)

Significant figures questions require respondents to answer in scientific notation and provide solutions that contain a specified number of significant figures. Math and science courses commonly use this question type. You can ensure each respondent receives a unique question by including set variables that randomly generate scientific notations within the problem.

Under the heading General,

  1. (Optional) Add a title
  2.  Set the number of points attributed to the question
  3. Click on the downward arrow to select the difficulty (1 to 5)
  4. Add question text
  5. (Optional) Click on Insert an image 
  6. (Optional) Add an image description
Significant Figures General

Scroll down,

7. Tick the box to allow attachments to support answers

8. Enter the Formula using the following supported operations, functions, and constants

9. Click on Test to verify your formula

10. Click on the downward arrow to add Significant Figures (1-7)

11. Click on the downward arrow to select the percentage of points for incorrect significant figures

12. Select the Tolerance units or percentage to accept near-accurate, estimated, or rounded answers

13. Enter a unit type (mm, cm, grams, inches, etc.)

14. Click on the downward arrow to assign a weighted points value to the measurement unit

15. Select one of the Evaluation Option,

  • Case Insensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the answer text with or without letter case correctness.
  • Case Sensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the answer text that must have letter case correctness.
  • Regular Expression - Auto-grading uses meta-characters to search for one or more matching strings in the answer text's character pattern. What you set as meta-character parameters helps determine letter case sensitivity.
Significant Figures further options

16. Click on Add Variable to add 1 Variable

17. Add a name to the Variable

18. Add a Min. to the Variable

19. Add a Max. to the Variable

20. Enter the number to the Step

Significant Figures Variables

Scroll down,

21. Click on Expand question hint in the HTML Editor add question hint

22. Click on Expand question feedback  in the HTML Editor add feedback

Expand Question Hint and Question Feedback

Saving and previewing the question

Saving and previewing question

After adding further options to the question, there are several options possible,

  • Save - to save the Significant Figures Question
  • Save and new - to save and open a new Significant Figures Question
  • Save and copy - to save and copy the newly created question
  • Preview - to preview the newly created Significant Figures Question
  • Cancel - to cancel the Significant Figures Question

2. Sections

Sections can be useful when organising questions for the Question Library

  1. Enter a Section Title
  2. Tick the box to hide the Section Title from students
  3. Enter Section Text
  4. Tick the box to hide the Section Text from students
  5. Tick the box to shuffle questions within this section,
  6. Click on Save
Section page

3. Question Pools

Question pools allow you to create quizzes with randomized questions. Question pools are an effective way to prevent cheating on quizzes as they ensure each learner receives a unique set of questions.

  1. Enter a Question Pool Title
  2. Enter the Number of Questions to Select
  3. Enter the Points per Question
  4. Click on Browse Question Library to browse the Question Library for existing questions
  5. Click on Save

A dynamic preview is automatically generated when questions are imported into a question pool

Question pool page


Now you know about question types, sections and question pools in Brightspace!

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