YuJa | How to manage a YuJa channel (YuJa All Videos)
Through YuJa channels educators are able to make the video content available to students for a specific course. In this channel, you and your students can access all the videos of the course in one overview. Once you have embedded a video in Brightspace with the Media Chooser, the video is automatically published to the specific channel. Weblectures (and livestreams) are published automatically here as well. Next to that you can publish videos from you own media to these channels.
In this article you will learn:
To learn how to give your students access to the channel read the article How to add your course's YuJa channel in the Brightspace content.
How to access YuJa channels
To access all YuJa channels made available to you, on the left side pane:
- Click on All My Courses
From the list that appears select the course you wish to enter. To search for a specific course:
- Click on Find a Channel and type the course code
The media channels will display all of the published media.
You will only be able to see the channels that you have authenticated yourself in through Brightspace. If one of your Brightspace courses is missing, follow the steps mentioned below in the paragraph Access channel(s) through Brightspace.
To access a specific YuJa channel, you should go to that specific Brightspace page and follow the next steps:
- Click on Course Tools
- Select Manage Videos (YuJa)
The Manage Videos (YuJa) button is not available for students.

The YuJa channel will now open in a new browser tab.
About managing a YuJa channel
As an instructor you can, unpublish content, add new sub channels, and move media around by dragging individual videos in the YuJa Channels. Instructors may also upload media directly into the YuJa Channel, using the Upload interface, or simply drag & drop videos. Below we will show you the different possibilities.
To manage a YuJa channel you'll need to be in the editing mode (instead of the viewing mode) of a channel. In the paragraph How to edit a channel we'll explain you how to get to the editing mode.
Once you are in the editing mode the following functions will appear:
- View Channel. Directs you back to the view mode
- New Sub-Channel. This allows you to create folders within your YuJa channel.
Folders (or Sub-Channels) cannot be copied from one channel to the other. So, if you are planning to reusing the folder structure for next year's YuJa channel be aware that you will need to create the folders again.
- Upload. This allows you to upload a video directly to your channel. The source file will be uploaded to your My Media. To learn more about uploading your own content you can read the article: How to upload a video to YuJa.
- Add Resource. This allows you to publish a specific video from the WUR Library, one of your YuJa channels, or your user collection to this YuJa channel.
For most resources you do not have the authorization to publish them. Therefore, we do not recommend using this feature.
- More Actions.
If you select multiple videos and then click More Actions the following functions will appear:
- Bulk Unpublish. This allows you to unpublish the selected videos from this YuJa channel.
- Bulk Favorite. This allows you to favorite the selected videos. Afterwards the videos will appear in the Personal > Favorites folder of your own account.
- Select All. This allows you to select all the videos (and folders) available in the YuJa channel
- Deselect All. This allows you to deselect all the videos (and folders) available in the YuJa channel
- Get Link. This allows you to get a link of the YuJa channel.
We do not recommend using this link (10) since no authorization is taking place through this link. In the article How to add your course's YuJa channel in the Brightspace content we will explain how to properly add the YuJa channel to Brightspace.
How to edit a channel
- Click on Edit Channel
After you have clicked Edit Channel you can go back to viewing the channel by clicking View Channel. Student do not have access to the Edit Mode.
How to unpublish video(s) from a channel
After a course copy in Brightspace, YuJa makes a copy of the content as well. YuJa is only able to copy all the content that was in the channel of last year. This can result in a new channel full of videos that are no longer relevant. Fortunately, you can unpublish the videos yourself relatively easily. This does not remove them from the platform, but it does remove them from the channel. So, do not be afraid to unpublish videos that are not needed for that specific year.
Have you accidentally unpublished a video? Go to the Brightspace of the course, add the video through the Media Chooser, and the video will be published to the channel again.
- Make sure you are in the channel's edit mode
- Select the videos that can be deleted (ctrl + click to select one video or to select multiple videos at once, click and hold your mouse button while dragging a selection box around the desired videos. All videos within this selection box will automatically be highlighted)
- Click on More Actions
- Click Bulk Unpublish
Now you know how to manage a YuJa channel!
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