Education SupportVariousEducational VideoYuJaYuJa | About YuJa Media Library

YuJa | About YuJa Media Library

In YuJa, you can manage videos through the YuJa Media Library.

In this article you will learn how to:

Access the YuJa Media Library

You can access the YuJa Media Library using either your WUR's SSO credentials, or through Brightspace (where it will automatically use your WUR's SSO credentials).

The YuJa Media Library will open in a new browser tab.

Understand the folder structure in YuJa Media Library

Different folders are available in the Media Library, each with different rights and roles.


Within the PERSONAL Menu, you have 4 sections: My Media, Shared With Me, Favorites and Shared With Others.

  1. My Media: Here you can access all the videos uploaded by you. These videos are owned by you and you decide how to organize them, if and with whom you want to share them, and to which channels you want to publish them

You should have already a default folder called Default Collection.

In this file you have the possibility to:

  • Create a NEW FOLDER
  • UPLOAD a new video to My Media
  1. Shared With Me: Here you can access all the videos personally shared with you by other users
  2. Favorites: Here you can see the videos you favorited
  3. Shared With Others: Here you can access all the videos that you have shared with others

In the Shared With Me, Favorites and Shared With Others sections, it is not possible to create folders nor to upload contents.


The SHARED menu contains three different sections:

  1. Public Library: It contains all publicly available videos such as PhD defenses, inaugurations and festive activities.
  2. WUR Library: It contains all materials made available for all WUR staff and students, such as knowledge clips and other educational videos.

If you would like to make your videos available to everyone at WUR or publicly, please send a request to [email protected].

  1. All My Courses: Through YuJa channels educators are able to make the video content available to students for a specific course. In this channel, you and your students can access all the videos of the course in one overview. Once you have embedded a video in Brightspace with the Media Chooser, the video is automatically published to the specific channel. Weblectures (and livestreams) are published automatically here as well. Next to that you can publish videos from you own media to these channels.

The naming structure of the channels in All My Courses is similar to Brightspace and includes the course code, year and period, followed by the course name.

In the article How to manage a YuJa channel (YuJa All Videos) you can learn more about the YuJa channels.

Weblectures and Livestreams are only recorded and published if you request them prior to the period when your course is running. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about this. In the article About recordings (on campus) you can learn more about Weblectures, public events, and recordings on request.

You know now about YuJa Media Library and its structure!


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