Education SupportVariousEducational VideoYuJaYuJa | How to edit a video in YuJa

YuJa | How to edit a video in YuJa

YuJa offers several options to edit your own videos via the YuJa Video Editor.

You can only edit videos that you own or that are shared with you without any restrictions. In the article How to share videos in YuJa you can learn more about sharing videos.

Cut a part of a video

Once you are in the YuJa Video Editor page:

  1. Move to the part of the video that you want to cut, using the progress bar or the blue rectangle/line
  2. Click on the Scissors icon
Get the scissors
  1. Drag and drop the mouse to the point where you want to finish the cut

The area selected is now cut out from your video but remains visible within the gray area.

More about editing your cuts

After making the cut, you have several options:

  • Continue the cutting in other parts of the video, following the same procedure
  • Adjust previous cuts placing your cursor on the edges of the cut and dragging it where you want
  • Undo any cut by clicking the black cross in the corner of its gray area

You can preview what the video looks like with your cut(s) by clicking the button play.

4. Click on Save


You know now how to cut a part of your video!

Add text to a video

You might want to add a text in order to:

  • Emphasize something
  • Explain difficult vocabulary in a video and show how it is written
  • Correct a small mistake you said while talking

To add text to a video:

  1. Navigate to the point of the video where you want to add the text overlay
  2. Click on the Add text overlay icon
Add text

A pop-up window will appear,

  1. Write your Text, select Font Size, and Duration of appearance
  2. Click Apply
Add text overlay

The text will appear on your slide. Position your cursor on the text:

  1. Drag and drop the text around the screen as you like
Edit or move the text

Double click on the orange area of the text overlay to be redirected to the pop-up window and adjust text, font size and duration. Click on the black cross at the edge to delete the text overlay.

You can preview what the video looks like with the text by clicking the button play.

  1. Click on Save

You know now how to add text to your video!

Change the subtitles

Subtitles are automatically generated. For this reason, spelling mistakes might occur when unfamiliar or not perfectly pronounced words are used (e.g. names of people, places and plants).

You can edit the subtitles in two different ways according to your needs:

Direct change under the video

Suitable if you watch the whole video.

To change the subtitle directly under the video:

  1. Navigate where you want to change the subtitles
  2. Click on the black bar
  3. Write the subtitle you would like to have
Change using the bulk edit mode

Suitable to change reoccurring mistakes due to the automated generation of subtitles.

For instance, if the automatic captions replaced the word ‘third’ with ‘turd’ multiple times, you can search for the word ‘turd’ throughout the captions and change it everywhere with one click.

To access the bulk edit mode:

  1. Click on the CC icon
Caption button

A pop-up window will appear on the right part of your screen,

  1. Click on the magnifying glass
  2. In Find, enter the word you want to substitute
  3. In Replace, insert the word you want to display
Subtitle bulk edit mode
  1. Click on Aa if you want the search query to be case sensitive
  2. Click on the double arrow if you want the replacement to happen only once 
  3. Click on All if you want to change every match in one click
Subtitle bulk edit mode

You know now how to change the subtitles of your video!


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