What are the Go/NoGo decision and interview?
General information
A Go/NoGo decision is an assessment of elements related to your performance as a PhD candidate. A Go/NoGo meeting with your supervisor(s) discussing this assessment is part of the procedure of making this decision.
After the interview has taken place, a member of the supervisor team fills out a Go/NoGo form in Hora Finita. This form includes the result of the Go/NoGo decision and after submission the first supervisor and the chair group leader have to approve the Go/NoGo decision.
Please note that a Go/NoGo form cannot be submitted in case requirements have not yet been fulfilled or the required TSP has not yet been approved. These unfulfilled requirements will be listed on the overview page.
In case the research proposal requirement has not been fulfilled yet, please contact your Graduate School!
If a Go-decision is not submitted, HR is not notified about the extension of your contract! This could potentially lead to an accidental and unnecessary dismissal when your contract is not extended.
If you have an appointment as a PhD student, the Go/NoGo interview is named Go/NoGo RA instead of Go/NoGo interview in Hora Finita.
If a definite date for the Go/NoGo interview has not yet been set, those involved will receive an e-mail to schedule it:

If your Go/NoGo decision is positive (Go) and has been approved by the first supervisor (and co-supervisor(s)) and the chair group leader you will receive the following email:

This means you have passed the the Go/NoGo procedure with a positive outcome and you can now finalize your PhD track.
In case you are employed at WU, the Human Resource department will receive an email to extend your employment contract.
If your Go/NoGo decision was negative (NoGo) from either the supervisor (and co-supervisor(s)) or the chair group leader, you will receive the following email:

Note that in case of a NoGo you cannot continue your PhD project and it will be stopped. You have the right to start an appeal procedure. For more information see the doctoral regulations or contact your Graduate School.
Follow up Go/NoGo
After the Go/NoGo decision the form 'Follow up Go/NoGo' will be created automatically. On this form, you can indicate whether you agree with the outcome of the Go/NoGo decision. You will be informed by email to fill in the ‘Acknowledgement of receipt Go/NoGo form’.

With this form, you can let those involved know whether you agree or disagree with the decision taken.

There are also other ways to find the form besides the link in the email:
Option 1:
Under ‘progress interviews’ on your dashboard, click on the ‘Follow-up go / no go’ interview.

You open the form by clicking on the form under ‘Questionnaires’.

Option 2
Click on the ‘Research phase ‘ tab and then on the ‘Questionnaires’ tab.
You will see an enumeration of different forms. Click on the right form: ..

Submit the interview
At the bottom of the interview page you have 4 options:
- Click on 'Save' to save the follow up form and go back to the previous page.
- Click on 'Save' to save the follow up form and stay on the interview page.
- Click on ‘Submit interview’ to submit the follow up form.
- Click on 'Back' to go back to the previous page.

After submitting your follow up form you will receive the following message on the top of your screen:

Reminder mail
If you did not fill in the follow up form or submitted the form before the deadline (10 days after the decision was made), you will receive the following email: