How to complete the Follow up Go/NoGo?
Follow up Go/NoGo
After the Go/NoGo decision the form 'Follow up Go/NoGo' will be created automatically. On this form, you can indicate whether you agree with the outcome of the Go/NoGo decision. You will be informed by email to fill in the ‘Acknowledgement of receipt Go/NoGo form’.

With this form, you can let those involved know whether you agree or disagree with the decision taken.

There are also other ways to find the form besides the link in the email:
Option 1:
Under ‘progress interviews’ on your dashboard, click on the ‘Follow-up go / no go’ interview.

You open the form by clicking on the form under ‘Questionnaires’.

Option 2
Click on the ‘Research phase ‘ tab and then on the ‘Questionnaires’ tab.
You will see an enumeration of different forms. Click on the right form:

Submit the interview
At the bottom of the interview page you have 4 options:
- Click on 'Save' to save the follow up form and go back to the previous page.
- Click on 'Save' to save the follow up form and stay on the interview page.
- Click on ‘Submit interview’ to submit the follow up form.
- Click on 'Back' to go back to the previous page.

After submitting your follow up form you will receive the following message on the top of your screen:

Reminder mail
If you did not fill in the follow up form or submitted the form before the deadline (10 days after the decision was made), you will receive the following email: