How to register in Hora Finita

Invitation e-mail and logging into Hora Finita

When it is time for you to register in Hora Finita you will receive an email asking you to fill in additional information in order to complete your registration. This email will contain a link to the registration form. The mail contains two annexes that describe the additional information needed (with respect to your diploma and proficiency in English requirements). 

Later in the process you will have to upload required documents so make sure you have the documents stand-by. You can find information on which required documents you need to upload on the following website: Registration procedure & Checklist - WUR

Your temporary username and password will be sent in two separate e-mails. See the email below with the username as an example.

You can log in to Hora Finita by clicking on “Login without WUR-account

You can then log in to Hora Finita using your temporary username and password.

Multi Factor Authentication for registrations

To access Hora Finita, an additional step is then required for security purposes. Click the ‘Status of your registration’ button after logging in via username and password.

The next page will verify that you are the current owner of the e-mail address known to us. This is done by sending a security code. Click on the button 'Request code by email'.

You will receive the following email with a 6-digit code:

Please enter the 6-digit code. and click 'Submit code'.

Update your information on the registration form

To open the registration form and complete the required details, click Edit details.

Fill in all your personal details.

Your registration (PhD project) and 4 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

Mandatory questions are indicated by a *

Upload any missing required documents.

Fill in information about your previous education.

Sign the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research by clicking the 'Yes, I agree to comply' checkbox.

Complete later

If you wish to save the information that you have already filled in and continue at a later date click on the 'Complete later' button.

You will receive the following message at the top of the page indicating that you have saved, along with an email confirming that you have saved your registration.

When you are ready to continue with your registration click on the link 'View Status Registration’ in the email to go to the registration. You will be asked to log in to Hora Finita and then click on the 'Edit details' button to go to the registration form page.


Once you have filled in all the required information and are ready to submit, click on the 'Submit' button.

You will receive the following message at the top of the page.

You will also receive an email confirming your submission. The email will contain a link which you can use to go to an overview page containing the status of your registration. You will be asked to log in to Hora Finita.


When your registration is approved by all those involved in the approval process you will receive an email informing you of this fact. In case you will need an employment contract at WU also the Human Resources department will be informed.

Please note that in the course of the registration process both the Graduate School as well as Doctoral Service Centre might send you a request for additional information before your registration can be approved.


From now on when you log in to Hora Finita you will be taken to your PhD dashboard. Here you can find a lot of important information such as upcoming interviews and questionnaires, along with your mailbox and a PhD checklist.