Where can I find the document 'Proof of registration' (e.g. for Idealis)?
General information
Every year Idealis checks whether PhD candidates who rent a room are actually registered in Hora Finita. A PhD candidate should download this document 'Proof of registration' in Hora Finita and submit it to Idealis when requested.
The document 'Proof or registration' is also suitable for other purposes.
Generating the document 'Proof of registration'
From the moment your admission is approved, the document 'Proof of registration' is available for download in your Documents at the Hora Finita dashboard.
However, Idealis requires that the document is not older than two months.
Therefor a new proof of registration might need to be created:
- If the document is out-of-date for the intended purpose (e.g. Idealis)
- If the intended end date of your research needs to be adjusted:
First ask your chair group secretary to send a request to your Graduate school to adjust the end date in Hora Finita.
To generate an up-to-date 'Proof of Registration' document, go to your Dashboard:
1. Click on the 'My PhD' tab.
2. Click on the 'Documents' tab.
(the 'Documents' tab is not present if no documents have yet been added to your project)
3. Click 'Generate document'.

A new screen opens:
1. Select document type
2. Click 'Generate document'

When the document is created you can download the updated file 'bewijsvaninschrijving' by using the 'Download' button.

Once you have downloaded the document, it will look like this:
You can now send the downloaded document to Idealis.