How to make an Excel file of the participants and facilities of the students in my course

This manual describes how to create an Excel file of all students enrolled in the course and test. You do this in OSIRIS-Lecturer. The excel file also contains the facilities that a student has been granted (e.g. 25% extra exam time), whether students meet the mandatory requirements (e.g. safety course), and the latest result date when a student previously got a result.

This instruction is not initially  valid for courses with a waiting list (e.g. because of a maximum number of participants). See the manual How to process the enrollment of a course with a maximum? for surch a course. After processing the enrollment for such a course, you can use the instruction below for an overview of actually enrolled students.

If you are a lecturer, thus not a course coordinator or examiner, follow the manual How can I find the students' e-mail addresses in my course (direct mail or Excel file with all information)?

Click to unfold explanation on facilities granted to  students (e.g. 25% extra exam time)

Students with an impairment or disability can request additional facilities for courses and tests from the examining board via the student dean. These facilities are always registered in Osiris. Only through this route students can obtain these facilities.

Before Osiris, students contacted you prior to each course. They emailed a teachers letter ('Docentenbrief') which stated their assigned facility.

In Osiris, the students are granted facilities by the dean. Upon course (or resit) registration students indicate whether or not they want to use this facility for a specific course or exam. They will not send teachers letters ('docentenbrieven') anymore. And you don't have to keep a separate record of this.
The 25% extra time facility that is relevant for the digital test system ANS is automatically registered in ANS as well.

Secretariats are able to download these overviews in OSIRIS-Basis and course coordinators can do it from OSIRIS-Lecturer.

When a student is enrolled for a course or exam by the secretariat, they are automatically enrolled with the facilities granted to them (so you don't need to check that with the student first).

When, as an exception, a student is granted a facility last-minute (e.g. because of a temporary impairment due to an accident), the facility can be registered by asking the secretariat to dis-enroll and enroll the student for the course or exam.


Start screen

1. Click on Menu > Reports.

If you have an MSc course in period 1, it is recommended to create this file not earlier than 1 September. If you make this file in August, then the column study programme will be filled with the WUR Bachelor's programme instead of the student's MSc programme.

2. For an Excel file with all the information of the students and the requested facilities by the student, select report 9.2.65 (for an easier to read layout see step 6-7 below). This report is called "Test Participants per student group" and is sorted by student number. This report 9.2.65 can also be generated by your secretary from OSIRIS-Basis.

3. Enter the course code of the course for which you want the Excel file, the year (is the starting year of the academic year), and the period (starting block). This can be the period in which the course is taught, but also RESITA, RESITB, RESITC1, RESITC2 or RESITC3.

4. The file format is automatically an Excel file.

5. Click on Run.

NOTEA waiting screen appears. The more students there are in the course, the longer it takes for the report to be made. When the Excel file is ready it will be downloaded as any other file you download using your browser (Chrome, Firefox), after which you can save it in the desired location.

Safety Requirements?!

In the report you will find the column Meets mandatory knowledge (where applicable) with student scoring either a Yes or No. These refer (for almost all courses) to the safety modules students have to do to partake in lab practicals and field work. See more here: What are the Safety Requirements for my course?

6. Click on the grey triangle, and all information is selected (turns grey). The columns, however, are very wide.

7. Then move your mouse to the border of column A until you see the image at 7, and double click. Now the columns are fitted in a more easy to read format (see below).

Column O: is the student enrolled for the course? (Yes, No)

Column P: facilities for the course (e.g. slides in advance etc.)

Column R: is the student enrolled for the test? (Yes, No)

Column S: facilities for the test (e.g. 25% extra time, an online exam, etc.). See the table below for all facilities that are available for students, and the actions that are required from the student and/or lecturer.

Column U: does the student meets the mandatory knowledge (all types of entry requirements: e.g. compulsory courses) (Yes, No)

Column V: the date of the last result for a resit student.

Resit students often enrol themselves for the course and the test, even when they only want to do the resit exam. At the last column (Latest Result) you can see if this is a resit student that also enrolled for the course (column O).

Also if students only enrol for the test, they have access to the Brightspace page of your course (reading rights only).

Note. This Excel file cannot be used as a grade input file! If you want to learn how to make a grade input file, please consult the manual How to make a grade input file

NB : Resit students can be recognised by the column "Latest", where a date is given of the last attempt.

Available facilities: table of actions required from student and/or lecturer

Pivot Table