Education SupportOsirisOsiris for Course Coordinator & ExaminerMSc Thesis, Internship & Research PracticeOverview thesis/internship/research practice procedure (including screenshots)

Overview thesis/internship/research practice procedure (including screenshots)

Below you can download a visual guide of the thesis/internship/research practice procedure. It provides

  • a conceptual overview of the entire process
  • screenshots of all the steps, both for the teacher-side and the student-side (which helps the supervisor to understand what the student sees).
  • you can click through the various steps and screens of the process. Where needed, additional explanations are included.

The visual guide comes in two versions:

  • an interactive PowerPoint (it will open in Powerpoint after downloading)
    (pro: full navigation, tips and clarifications are hidden by default, long screenshots can be scrolled; con: less easy to handle and needs Powerpoint)
  • an interactive PDF (open full screen in your PDF-reader of choice).
    (pro: opens in any PDF-reader, easier to handle; con: only basic navigation, tips and clarifications are shown by default and may interfere with screenshots)

Current version:

  • thesis: 0.9 (11 March 2023) - temporarily taken offline to update the visual guide to the new version of the OSIRIS-process (version 3)
  • internship: 0.2 (11 July 2023) - temporarily taken offline to update the visual guide to the new version of the OSIRIS-process (version 3)