Education SupportOsirisOsiris for Course Coordinator & ExaminerREPORTS & LISTS: Photo, Participants, Additional facilities, Waiting listHow to make a(n Excel) file of the students on the waiting list for a course with a maximum

How to make a(n Excel) file of the students on the waiting list for a course with a maximum

From OSIRIS-Lecturer a report can be created for all students that are on the waiting list for a course with a maximum. It is recommended to do this after the enrolment deadline.

Osiris is set up in such a way that every student who wants to enrol in a course with a maximum number of participants is placed on a waiting list. The student will be automatically notified of this.

The registration period for students to enrol in a maximum course and get priority in placement ends one week before the regular registration deadline, i.e. five weeks before the start of the period. After the closure, it is up to the course coordinator to consult the waiting list as soon as possible, to enrol the correct students, and to inform the other students that they are not enrolled.
Registration stays open until the regular course registration deadline, so when your course is not yet filled to (maximum) capacity, these students can still be enrolled in your course. When your course is filled to capacity at the priority-deadline, these students don't get a place and their priority is also not relevant anymore.

This manual describes how to create a report of all students on the waiting list for a course with a maximum in OSIRIS-Lecturer.

Start screen

1. Click on Menu > Reports.

In the case of a course for which a waiting list exists, choose report 9.2.72 from the report list (this report is in both OSIRIS-Lecturer and Basis).  This report is now also in an Excel file. In this Excel file the programme and specialisation are included as well as the date the student has registered for the course. With this Excel file, course coordinators are able to select students more easily. After the coordinator has identified the students that can take part in the course, the students needs to be enrolled definitively in OSIRIS-Basis (secretariat). Also see the manual How to process the enrolment of a course with a maximum?

3. Enter your course code and period (starting block). Use the magnifying glass if you do not know the choices. Also select the requested format.

4. Click on Run

NOTEA waiting screen appears. The more students there are in the course, the longer it takes for the report to be made. When the file is ready it will be downloaded as any other file you download using your browser (Chrome, Firefox), after which you can save it in the desired location.

If you produce the report 9.2.65 you could find students enrolled for a course with a maximum. These are students that only registered for the test. They are not enrolled for the course yet. Have a look at columns O, is the student enrolled for the course? (Yes, No), and column R: is the student enrolled for the test? (Yes, No). There you see that the student is not enrolled for the course. Students that cannot be placed in the course must disenrol themselves for the test, unless this is a resit student.