How to import results with a grade input file
Brightspace now offers the option to export the final grade for all students in a format that allows direct upload into Osiris. See the Brightspace manual Grades | How to export grades from Brightspace into Osiris
In OSIRIS-Lecturer you can import grades for groups of students in a batch.
The easiest and most safe way to do this is using a grade input file generated by OSIRIS.
For detailed information, you can read the manuals What is a grade input file and how to use it? (OSIRIS-Lecturer) and How to make a grade input file and Result grade codes
This manual describes how to enter grades that are in a grade input file

1. Go to Osiris-Lecturer, log in and click on Grade.
A page appears with tests for which you can enter grades.
2. Select your course and period.

3. Click on ACTIONS / Read file.
A pop-up window appears to retrieve the grade input file.

4. You do NOT need to enter the Test date when you enter the grades after the (exam)period has finished. Select the grade input file in Choose File, and click on READ FILE.
The grades are entered into the grade input list.
NB. The grade input file is accepted only if its course code and period matches course and period selected for reading the file.
NB. Only grades that were not previously finalized are processed.
OSIRIS produces a mutation report, by default only with errors and warnings.
5. Check the option Hide the rows without errors if only want to see the errors.
When you want an overview of the issues you need to correct, click on DOWNLOAD EXCEL FILE. for a file in which the errors are shown.
When applicable, repair the mistakes and repeat step 2-4.

6. Click on SAVE on top of the window to save the results
The saved results are not finalized yet, they still can be changed.

7. Click on SIGN > to finalize the results.
A new window pops up, in which you can check what is about to be signed. You might need to re-enter your WUR-login.

8. Click on Sign electronically on top of the window. The grades will now be finalized.
NB. After signing electronically, the results immediately become visible for the students. When you made a mistake in grade entry, or you have to change a grade after the review of the assessed work, the staff of the Student Service Centre ([email protected]) will assist you in correcting it.
Note: If the grade is entered in OSIRIS-Lecturer and not fully signed, it can only be finalized in OSIRIS-Lecturer.